Welcome to My Country/Victorian Home 
Welcome to my home, come on in and make yourself at home!

Being a working mom, I find that there is not enough hours in the day to do the thing I love best. For example my passion is courty/victorian. I enjoy the relaxed yet warm and wonderful life style that it give me. My other passion is collecting. I most of my finds  from flea markets and yard sales. My 2nd best passion is to curl up with a cup of tea and a good book. When I really get creative I enjoy quilting, making my plush lap dogs,rabbits,and small jointed bears just to name a few.
New and Exciting News!!!
I am happy to announce that I am now selling my creative gifts to you. Even though my store is still in the creative stages please take a few minuted to vist at:  www.caronscreativegifts.com.

I will be selling not only my wouderful one a kind lamps, but also my jewelry, beaded scrags, fabric bowls and hand made bears and rabbits. So if are looking for something special please  feel free to drop by.
Some other areas of interest
You guessed it, I love to garden.  I can't wait for springtime to come after a long winter.  I have a verity of gardens filled with Day Lilies, Black Eye Susans, purple Bee Bombs, and a collection of Mums in many colors along with roses. As you can see I just can't seen to get enough.  Along with all the flowers,I try to have some butterfly bushes and flowering plants for our flying visitors. 

Oh, and I can't forget the birds. We have feeders and houses all over the yard. Since collecting is something I love to do,I have a collection of items to decorate my gardens. From a wonderful old bench to ceramic figurines. I also have a collection of books on
gardening to help in decorating my gardens. 
QUILTING and reading go hand in hand. Since I love to quilt I highly recommend the "An Elm Creek Quilts Sampler" by Jennifer Chiaverini. Her books are wonderful. Once you begin you won't want to put it down.

READING ,I can't seem to get enough time to read. Some of my favorite authors are Tom Clancey, John Grisham, Patrick Lynch just to name a few.  I also enjoy reading  old victorian stories about faries. The other area of reading that I enjoy is a series of books written by Chistopher Jaqc. He is a french author who has written some wonderful books on ancient Egypt along with a series called "Ramses". The latest series that he has writen is "The Stone of Light". They are worth the time to look into.  English history is anther area of great interest.    If you have read any good books and would like to share them let me know.  I would love to hear from you!
If you are a collector at heart then let me share what I love to collect. The one collection I love the most is my tea cup, tea pots and my chintz (although I do not have alot of it)  2nd in my collection is lusterware, along with tumble-ups and old hankies.   I also love to collect old victoiran pictures.  I just can't seem to get enough.  But best of all is collecting beanie babies with my two boys, this is very special to me.  Although they are growing up we still seem to get excitied when we come across one that is new or that we have not seen before. It fun being able to share simple things like collecting beanie babies with them.
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