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ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS...of course specially to our Lord Jesus who always there for
us. THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL...Rain PLS.VISIT THIS SITE AGAIN REMEMBER OUR WEBSITE ADDRESS www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/9272 OR www.geocities.com/prince2034 |
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YOU: THE OLD MAN AND THE DOG "Watch out! You nearly broad sided that car!" My father yelled at me. "Can't you do anything right?" Those words hurt worse than blows. I turned my head toward the elderly man in the seat beside me, daring me to challenge him. A lump rose in my throat as I averted my eyes. I wasn't prepared for another battle. "I saw the car, Dad. Please don't yell at me when I'm driving." My voice was measured and steady, sounding far calmer than I really felt. Dad glared at me, then turned away and settled back. At home I left Dad in front of the television and went outside to collect my thoughts. Dark, heavy clouds hung in the air with a promise of rain. The rumble of distant thunder seemed to echo my inner turmoil. What could I do about him? Dad had been a lumberjack in Washington and Oregon. He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the forces of nature. He had entered grueling lumberjack competitions, and had placed often. The shelves in his house were filled with trophies that attested to his prowess. The years marched on relentlessly. The first time he couldn't lift a heavy log, he joked about it; but later that same day I saw him outside alone, straining to lift it. He became irritable whenever anyone teased him about his advancing age, or when he couldn't do something he had done as a younger man. Four days after his sixty-seventh birthday, he had a heart attack. An ambulance sped him to the hospital while a paramedic administered CPR to keep blood and oxygen flowing. At the hospital, Dad was rushed into an operating room. He was lucky; he survived. But something inside Dad died. His zest for life was gone. He obstinately refused to follow doctor's orders. Suggestions and offers of help were turned aside with sarcasm and insults. The number of visitors thinned, then finally stopped altogether. Dad was left alone. My husband, Dick, and I asked Dad to come live with us on our small farm. We hoped the fresh air and rustic atmosphere would help him adjust. Within a week after he moved in, I regretted the invitation. It seemed nothing was satisfactory. He criticized everything I did. I became frustrated and moody. Soon I was taking my pent-up anger out on Dick. We began to bicker and argue. Alarmed, Dick sought out our pastor and explained the situation. The clergyman set up weekly counseling appointments for us. At the close of each session he prayed, asking God to soothe Dad's troubled mind. But the months wore on and God was silent. A raindrop struck my cheek. I looked up into the gray sky. Somewhere up there was "God." Although I believe a Supreme Being had created the universe, I had difficulty believing that God cared about the tiny human being on this earth. I was tired of waiting for a God who didn't answer. Something had to be done and it was up to me to do it. The next day I sat down with the phone book and methodically called each of the mental health clinics listed in the Yellow Pages. I explained my problem to each of the sympathetic voices that answered. In vain. Just when I was giving up hope, one of the voices suddenly exclaimed, "I just read something that might help you! Let me go get the article." I listened as she read. The article described a remarkable study done at a nursing home. All of the patients were under treatment for chronic depression. Yet their attitudes had improved dramatically when they were given responsibility for a dog. I drove to the animal shelter that afternoon. After I filled out a questionnaire, a uniformed officer led me to the kennels. The odor of disinfectant stung my nostrils as I moved down the row of pens. Each contained five to seven dogs. Long-haired dogs, curly-haired dogs, black dogs, spotted dogs; all jumped up, trying to reach me. I studied each one but rejected one after the other for various reasons; too big, too small, too much hair. As I neared the last pen a dog in the shadows of the far corner struggled to his feet, walked to the front of the run and sat down. It was a pointer, one of the dog world's aristocrats. But this was a caricature of the breed. Years had etched his face and muzzle with shades of gray. His hipbones jutted out in lopsided triangles. But it was his eyes that caught and held my attention. Calm and clear, they beheld me unwaveringly. I pointed to the dog. "Can you tell me about him?" The officer looked, then shook his head in puzzlement. "He's a funny one. Appeared out of nowhere and sat in front of the gate. We brought him in, figuring someone would be right down to claim him. That was two weeks ago and we've heard nothing. His time is up tomorrow." He gestured helplessly. As the words sank in I turned to the man in horror. "You mean you're going to kill him?" "Ma'am," he said gently, "that's our policy. We don't have room for every unclaimed dog." I looked at the pointer again. The calm brown eyes awaited my decision. "I'll take him," I said. I drove home with the dog on the front seat beside me. When I reached the house I honked the horn twice. I was helping my prize out of the car when Dad shuffled onto the front porch. "Ta-da! Look what I got for you, Dad!" I said excitedly. Dad looked, then wrinkled his face in disgust. "If I had wanted a dog I would have gotten one. And I would have picked out a better specimen than that bag of bones. Keep it! I don't want it" Dad waved his arm scornfully and turned back toward the house. Anger rose inside me. It squeezed together my throat muscles and pounded into my temples. "You'd better get used to him, Dad. He's staying!" Dad ignored me. "Did you hear me, Dad?" I screamed. At those words Dad whirled angrily, his hands clenched at his sides, his eyes narrowed and blazing with hate. We stood glaring at each other like duelists, when suddenly the pointer pulled free from my grasp. He wobbled toward my dad and sat down in front of him. Then slowly, carefully, he raised his paw. Dad's lower jaw trembled as he stared at the uplifted paw. Confusion replaced the anger in his eyes. The pointer waited patiently. Then Dad was on his knees hugging the animal. It was the beginning of a warm and intimate friendship. Dad named the pointer Cheyenne. Together he and Cheyenne explored the community. They spent long hours walking down dusty lanes. They spent reflective moments on the banks of streams, angling for tasty trout. They even started to attend Sunday services together, Dad sitting in a pew and Cheyenne lying quietly at his feet. Dad and Cheyenne were inseparable throughout the next three years. Dad's bitterness faded, and he and Cheyenne made many friends. Then late one night I was startled to feel Cheyenne's cold nose burrowing through our bed covers. He had never before come into our bedroom at night. I woke Dick, put on my robe and ran into my father's room. Dad lay in his bed, his face serene. But his spirit had left quietly sometime during the night. Two days later my shock and grief deepened when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad's bed. I wrapped his still form in the rag rug he had slept on. As Dick and I buried him near a favorite fishing hole, I silently thanked the dog for the help he had given me in restoring Dad's peace of mind. The morning of Dad's funeral dawned overcast and dreary. This day looks like the way I feel, I thought, as I walked down the aisle to the pews reserved for family. I was surprised to see the many friends Dad and Cheyenne had made filling the church. The pastor began his eulogy. It was a tribute to both Dad and the dog who had changed his life. And then the pastor turned to Hebrews 13:2. "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers." I've often thanked God for sending that angel," he said. For me, the past dropped into place, completing a puzzle that I had not seen before: the sympathetic voice that had just read the right article... Cheyenne's unexpected appearance at the animal shelter... his calm acceptance and complete devotion to my father... and the proximity of their deaths. And suddenly I understood. I knew that God had answered my prayers after all. The Silversmith Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study. That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?" He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy - when I see my image in it." If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you. Noah And Today's Ark The Lord spoke to Noah and said, "Noah, in six months I am going to make it rain until the whole world is covered with water and all the evil things are destroyed. But, I want to save a few good people and two of every living thing on the planet. I am ordering you to build an ark." And, in a flash of lightning, he delivered the specifications for the ark. "OK," Noah said, trembling with fear and fumbling with the blueprints, "I'm your man." "Six months and it starts to rain," thundered the Lord. "You better have my ark completed or learn to swim for a long, long time!" Six months passed, the sky began to cloud up, and the rain began to fall in torrents. The Lord looked down and saw Noah sitting in his yard, weeping, and there was no ark. "Noah!" shouted the Lord, "where is My ark?" A lightning bolt crashed into the ground right beside Noah. "Lord, please forgive me!" begged Noah. "I did my best, but there were some big problems. First, I had to get a building permit for the ark's construction, but your plans did not meet their code. So, I had to hire an engineer to redo the plans, only to get into a long argument with him about whether to include a fire-sprinkler system." "My neighbors objected, claiming that I was violating zoning ordinances by building the ark in my front yard, so I had to get a variance from the city planning board." "Then, I had a big problem getting enough wood for the ark, because there was a ban on cutting trees to save the spotted owl. I tried to convince the environmentalists and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that I needed the wood to save the owls, but they wouldn't let me catch them, so no owls." "Next, I started gathering up the animals but got sued by an animal rights group that objected to me taking along only two of each kind." "Just when the suit got dismissed, the EPA notified me that I couldn't complete the ark without filing an environmental impact statement on your proposed flood. They didn't take kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the conduct of a Supreme Being." "Then, the Corps of Engineers wanted a map of the proposed flood plan. I sent them a globe!" "Right now, I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Equal Opportunities Commission over how many minorities I'm supposed to hire." "The IRS has seized all my assets claiming that I am trying to leave the country, and I just got a notice from the state that I owe some kind of use tax. Really, I don't think I can finish the ark in less than five years." With that, the sky cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow arched across the sky. Noah looked up and smiled. "You mean you are not going to destroy the world?" he asked hopefully. "No," said the Lord, "the government already has." ." Today I Choose I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free. Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste. Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born. Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses. Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships. Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do. Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge. Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul. Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. Which will you choose? MAN OF THE CENTURY Time Magazine is allowing us hard to believe we can still have say in anything anymore) to vote for Time Magazines Person of the Century, which will be in their December 1999 issue. The reason I am bringing this up is because it is so very close to my heart. When I think of any one person who has influenced this world in more ways than anyone else I think of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many of our friends, relatives and neighbors have forgotten the fundamental basis of our country, and attempt to take God out of everything so as to be politically correct. The danger here is that when we take God out, Satan comes in. Case in point- Adolf Hitler. Here was a man who took God out of the fundamental core of his country, twisted and manipulated the world and brutally murdered untold numbers of God-loving people. Right now, as I type this, Time magazine's poll for - Person of the Century has our Lord Jesus Christ leading - followed in 2nd place by Adolf Hitler. Less than 3000 votes separate them. I propose that we take up the gauntlet and vote for Christ. Each of us knows at least 1 person with email. CONTACT THEM. Pass this on to everyone you know. Let's start a wave of votes for Jesus Christ-Person of the Century, and let everyone else see our faith. You can vote as many times as you want, and I suspect that Hitler's supporters are jamming the votes that way. What I propose is that we, as Believers, do this honestly. We don't need to cheat or lie to prove who is Number 1. To be heard, to claim that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Person of your Life, The Doll And A White Rose I hurried into the local department store to grab some last minute Christmas gifts. I looked at all the people and grumbled to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do. Christmas was beginning to become such a drag. I kinda wished that I could just sleep through Christmas. But I hurried the best I could through all the people to the toy department. Once again I kind of mumbled to myself at the prices of all these toys. And wondered if the grandkids would even play with them. I found myself in the doll aisle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy about 5 holding a lovely doll. He kept touching her hair and he held her so gently. I could not seem to help myself. I just kept looking over at the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. I watched him turn to a woman and he called his aunt by name and said, "Are you sure I don't have enough money?" She replied a bit impatiently, "You know that you don't have enough money for it. The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere that she had to go get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. And then she left the aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll. After a bit I asked the boy who the doll was for. He said,"It is the doll my sister wanted so badly for Christmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it." I told him that maybe Santa was going to bring it. He said "No, Santa can't take it to her where she is, my mommy might have to take it to her." I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said "She has gone to be with Jesus. My Daddy says that Mama is going to have to go be with her." My heart nearly stopped beating. Then the boy looked at me again and said, "I told my Daddy to tell Mama not to go yet. I told him to tell her to wait till I got back from the store." Then he asked me if wanted to see his picture. I told him I would love to. He pulled out some pictures he'd had taken at the front of the store. He said "I want my Mama to take this with her so she don't ever forget me. I love my Mama so very much and I wish she did not have to leave me. But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister." I saw that the little boy had lowered his head and had grown so very quiet. While he was not looking I reached into my purse and pulled out a handful of bills. I asked the little boy, "Shall we count that money one more time?" He grew excited and said "Yes, I just know it has to be enough." So I slipped my money in with his and we began to count it. Of course it was plenty for the doll. He softly said, "Thank you, Jesus, for giving me enough money." Then the boy said "I just asked Jesus to give me enough money to buy this doll so Mama can take it with her to give to my sister. And he heard my prayer. I wanted to ask him for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but I didn't ask him, but he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my Mama. She loves white roses so very, very much." In a few minutes the aunt came back and I wheeled my cart away. I could not keep from thinking about the little boy as I finished my shopping in a totally different spirit than when I had started. And kept remembering a story I had seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and killing a little girl and the mother was in serious condition. The family was deciding on whether to remove the life support. Now surely this little boy did not belong with that story! Two days later, I read in the paper where the family had disconnected the life support and the young woman had died. I could not forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not help myself -- I went out and bought some white roses and took them to the funeral home where the young woman was. And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, my life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sister and his mother was overwhelming. And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life of that little boy to pieces. PSALMS 91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the almigthy. 2 I will say of the lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God in him I will trust. 3 Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestillence. 4 He shall cover with this feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; norfor the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor for the pestillence that walketh in the darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but is shall not come on nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most high, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plaque come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep up in all thine ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt trample under feet. 14 Because he hath seth his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him and shew him my salvation. HEAVEN'S GROCERY I was walking down life's road highway a long time ago. One day I saw a sign that read "Heaven's Grocery Store" As I got a little closer the door came open wide, and when I came to myself, I was standing inside. I saw a host of angels, they were standing everywhere. One handed me a basket and said "My child shop with care" Everything a Christian needed was there in that grocery. And all you couldn't carry, you could comeback the next day for more. First, I got some PATIENCE, LOVE was in the same row. Further down was UNDERSTANDING; you need that everywhere you go. I got a box or two of WISDOM, a bag or two of FAITH. I just couldn't miss the Holy Ghost, for it was all over the place. I stopped to get some STRENGTH and COURAGE to help me run this race. By then my basket was getting full, but I remembered I needed some GRACE, and I didn't forget the SALVATION for salvation was free. So I tried to get enough of that to save both you and me. Then I started up the counter to pay my grocery bill, for I thought I had everything to do the Master's will. As I went up the aisle, I say a prayer and I just had to put that in, for I knew when I stepped outside, I would run into sin. PEACE and JOY were plentiful, they were last on the shelf. SONG and PRAISE were hanging near, so I just helped myself. Then I said, "Now how much do I owe?" The Angel smiled and said "Just take them everywhere you go. Again I said "How much do I owe?". The Angel said " My child, JESUS paid your bill a long, Long time ago" BUYING SOME TIME A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find his 5 year old son waiting for him at the door. "Daddy, may I ask you a question?" "Yeah, sure, what is it?" replied the man. "Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?" "That's none of your business! What makes you ask such a thing?" the man said angrily. "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" pleaded the little boy. "If you must know, I make $20.00 an hour." "Oh," the little boy replied, head bowed. Looking up, he said, "Daddy, may I borrow $10.00 please?" The father was furious. "If the only reason you wanted to know how much money I make is just so you can borrow some to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you're being so selfish. I work long, hard hours everyday and don't have time for such childish games." The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even madder about the little boy's questioning. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money. After an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door. "Are you asleep, son?" he asked. "No daddy, I'm awake," replied the boy. "I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier," said the man. "It's been a long day and I took my aggravation out on you. Here's that $10.00 you asked for." The little boy sat straight up, beaming. "Oh, thank you, daddy!" he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow, he pulled out some more crumpled up bills. The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at the man. "Why did you want more money if you already had some?" the father grumbled. "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied. "Daddy, I have $20.00 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?" Nothing But The Blood of Jesus Christ One night in a church service a young woman felt the tug of God at her heart. She responded to God's call and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. The young woman had a very rough past, involving alcohol, drugs, and prostitution. But, the change in her was evident. As time went on she became a faithful member of the church. She eventually became involved in the ministry, teaching young children. It was not very long until this faithful young woman had caught the eye and heart of the pastor's son. The relationship grew and they began to make wedding plans. This is when the problems began. You see, about one half of the church did not think that a woman with a past such as hers was suitable for a pastor's son. The church began to argue and fight about the matter. So they decided to have a meeting. As the people made their arguments and tensions increased, the meeting was getting completely out of hand. The young woman became very upset about all the things being brought up about her past. As she began to cry the pastor's son stood to speak. He could not bear the pain it was causing his wife-to-be. He began to speak and his statement was this: "My fiance's past is not what is on trial here. What you are questioning is the ability of the blood of Jesus to wash away sin. Today you have put the blood of Jesus on trial. So, does it wash away sin or not?"The whole church began to weep as they realized that they had been slandering the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Too often, even as Christians, we bring up the past and use it as a weapon against our brothers and sisters. Forgiveness is a very foundational part of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If the blood of Jesus does not cleanse the other person completely then it cannot cleanse us completely. If that is the case, then we are all in a lot of trouble. What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.... end of case!!! ... we all need this message... God Forgives... So Should We. VICTORY IN JESUS I HEARD AN OLD STORY, HOW A SAVIOR CAME FROM GLORY, HOW HE GAVE HIS LIFE ON CALVARY TO SAVE A WRECTH LIKE ME. I HEARD ABOUT HIS GROANING, OF HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD'S ATONNING, THEN I REPENTED OF MY SINS AND WON THE VICTORY O VICTORY IN JESUS, MY SAVIOR FOREVER HE SOUGHT ME AND BOUGHT ME WITH HIS REDEEMING BLOOD. HE LOVED ME ERE I KNEW HIM, AND ALL MY LOVE IS DUE HIM. HE PLUNGED ME TO VICTORY BENEATH THE CLEANSING BLOOD I HEARD ABOUT HIS HEALING, OF HIS CLEANSING POWER REVEALING, HOW HE MADE THE LAME TO WALK AGAIN AND CAUSED THE BLIND TO SEE AND THEN I CRIED, "DEAR JESUS, COME AND HEAL MY BROKEN SPIRIT " AND SOMEHOW JESUS CAME AND BRO'T TO ME THE VICTORY I HEARD ABOUT A MANSION HE HAS BUILT FOR ME IN GLORY I HEARD ABOUT THE STREETS OF GOLD BEYOND THE CRYSTAL SEE ABOUT AN ANGELS SINGING AND THE OLD REDEMPTION STORY AND SWEET DAY I'LL SING UP THERE THE SONG OF VICTORY CHRISTIANS ARE NOT PERFECT, THEY ARE FORGIVEN JOHN 3:3 JESUS ANSWERED, "I AM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH: NO ONE CAN SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD UNLESS HE IS BORN AGAIN 2 COR. 5:17 WHEN ANYONE IS JOINED TO CHRIST, HE IS A NEW BEING; THE OLD IS GONE, THE NEW HAS COME I COR. 2:14 WHOEVER DOES NOT HAVE THE SPIRITS CANNOT RECEIVE THE GIFTS FROM GOD'S SPIRIT SUCH A PERSON REALLY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THEM; THEY ARE NONSENCE TO HIM, BECAUSE THEIR VALUE BE JUDGED ONLY ON A SPIRITUAL BASIS. ROM 8:14-16 THOSE WHO ARE LED BY GOD'S SONS 8:15 FOR THE SPIRIT THAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU DOES NOT MAKE YOU SLAVES AND CAUSE YOU TO BE AFRAID; INSTEAD, THE SPIRIT MAKES YOU GOD'S CHILDREN, AND BY THE SPIRIT'S POWER WE CRY OUT TO GOD, "FATHER! MY FATHER!" 8:16 GOD'S SPIRIT JOIN HIMSELF TO OUR SPIRIT TO DECLARE THAT WE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN GAL 5:22-23 BUT THE SPIRIT PRODUCES LOVE, JOY PEACE PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS 5:23 HUMILITY AND SELF CONTROL. THERE IS NO LAW AGAINST SUCH THINGS AS THESE. ROM 8:26 IN THE SAME WAY SPIRIT ALSO COMES TO HELP US, WEAK AS WE ARE. FOR WE DO NOT KNOW HOW WE OUGHT TO PRAY; THE SPIRITS HIMSELF PLEADS WITH GOD FOR US IN GROANS THAT WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS. I COR. 3:16-17 SURELY KNOW THAT YOU ARE ARE GOD'S TEMPLE AND THAT GOD'S SPIRIT LIVES IN YOU. 3:17 SO ANYONE DESTROYS GOD'S TEMPLE GOD WILL DESTROY HIM . FOR GOD'S TEMPLE IS HOLY , AND YOU YOURSELVES ARE HIS TEMPLE. I COR. 6:19-20 DON'T YOU KNOW THAT YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT , WHO LIVES IN YOU AND WHO WAS GIVEN TO YOU BY GOD?YOU DO NOT BELONG TO YOURSELVES BUT GOD; 6:20 HE BOUGHT YOU FOR A PRICE SO USE YOUR BODIES FOR GOD'S GLORY. I JOHN 2:15-16 DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD OR ANYTHING THAT BELONGS TO THE WORLD. IF YOU LOVE THE WORLD, YOU DO NOT LOVE THE FATHER 2:16 EVERYTHING THAT BELONGS TO THE WORLD-WHAT THE SINFUL SELF DESIRES, WHAT PEOPLE SEE AND WANT, AND EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD THAT PEOPLE ARE SO PROUD OF-NONE OF THIS COMES FROM THE FATHER; IT ALL COMES FROM THE WORLD. JOHN 5:39 YOU STUDY THE SCRIPTURES, BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT IN THEM YOU'LL FIND ETERNAL LIFE. 2 TIM. 2:15 DO YOUR BEST TO WIN APPROVAL IN GOD'S SIGHT, AS A WORKER WHO IS NOT ASHAMED OF HIS WORKS, ONE WHO CORRECTLY TEACHES THE MESSAGE OF GOD'S TRUTH JAME 1:22 DO NOT DECIEVED YOURSELVES, BY JUST LISTENING TO HIS WORD; INSTEAD, PUT INTO PRACTICE. JOHN I:12-14 SOME HOWEVER, DID RECEIVED HIM AND BELIEVED IN HIM; SO HE GAVE THEM THE RIGHT TO BECOME GOD'S CHILDREN. 1:13 THEY DID NOT BECOME GOD'S CHILDREN BY NATURAL MEANS , THAT IS, BY BEING BORN AS THE CHILDREN OF A HUMAN FATHER; GOD HIMSELF WAS THEIR FATHER 1:14 THE WORD BECOME A HUMAN BEING AND FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH. LIVED AMONG US. WE SAW HIS GLORY, THE GLORY WHICH HE RECEIVED AS THE FATHER'S ONLY SON. ROMANS 10:17 SO THEN FAITH COMES FROM HEARING THE MESSAGE, AND THE MESSAGE COMES THROUGH PREACHING CHRIST. JOHN 3:16, FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE JOHN 14:6 JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH TO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME. JOHN 10:9-10 I AM THE GATE. WHOEVER COMES IN BY ME WILL BE SAVED 10:10 THE THIEF COMES ONLY IN ORDER TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY. I HAVE COME IN ORDER THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE LIFE-LIFE IN ALL IT'S FULLNESS. THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN IS THRU JESUS---Rain |
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