The Lyons-Muir Church was formed by the joining of the Muir Presbyterian Church and Lyons United Methodist Church. The Muir Presbyterian Church was organized in 1862 by Rev. Louis Mills and current building was constructed in 1869. The Lyons United Methodist Church began meeting in homes before 1850. The Bridge Street Building was constructed in 1881, making it the newest church building in our community. It is interesting to note that at the January 3,1882, dedication, more than ten pastors conducted an afternoon program that successfully raised $18,000 to pay off the entire debt against the building. In 1972 our two denominations began sharing a pastor. In 1973, we began worshiping together, alternating between the two buildings. We soon became one Christian Family and so begun the process of federation. In 1989 federation was complete. We are one church in which each person retains his or her choice of Methodist or Presbyterian membership.
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