To Nic's Place
Hi! My name is Nicholas. Welcome to my place. I will introduce you to my family and tell you a little about myself.
I was born on March 1, 1997 in Pennsylvania. I have Down Syndrome. As you can see by my picture, I'm having a great time at my first Buddy Walk-October, 2001 in Downingtown, PA.
  When I was 2 months old I had open heart surgery. I had congenital heart defects. They were all repaired at the same time at Deborah Heart and Lung Center in New Jersey by Dr. Marshall Jacobs. The defects I had were a complete AV Canal defect which means I had a large hole in the center of my heart where all of the chambers come together. I also had a second hole, a common valve which the Dr. made two from, and my PDA didn't close by itself so that was closed for me.
   When I was about 1 1/2 years old, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy too. I was having Myoclonic seizures. I was on medicine for two years. I was weaned off and haven't had any seizures.
   I love to play ball. I love just about anything to eat.
   I have a cat named Butch and a dog named Katja.
   I go to preschool everyday and have learned so much. I go to a "special" school four days a week and a typical school on Fridays to help with my socialization skills.
   I use sign language sometimes when I want something I can't ask for.   
This is me when I was a day old. I weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21 inches long.
I wasn't quite a year old here.
This is the day I was leaving the hospital after my heart surgery. It may look sore but mommy says I was never showing any signs of pain and smiled often afterwards.
Meet My Family
Memorial Page
The Big "01"
My 4th Birthday 3-1-2001
Deborah Hospital
Sesame Place
May 2000
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