Welcome to my Page! Please sign my Guest Book and let me know what you think! Thanks!

Laura - 12/03/99 03:29:09
My URL:http://www.waystation.com/~lauraw
My Email:lauraw@waystation.com
Favourite Web Page: mine hehe
Hobbies: cross-stitching
Great site!! COme over to see my site and sign my guestbook :-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM THER I_WANTS GIFTS FROM THE HEART!!

Don and Lita Trace - 12/02/99 15:58:01
My URL:/Nashville/1407/
My Email:ltrace@knology.net
Favourite Web Page: all of them !
New Page 1


We enjoyed your site.


/Nashville/1407/lita.jpg (7088 bytes)


Joseph Provencial - 11/24/99 02:18:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Joseph_Provencial/poems.htm
My Email:josephprovencial@netscape.net
You have a wonderful website. God Bless

Lisa - 11/19/99 20:22:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/Vineyard/8585/
My Email:stevelisaw@hotmail.com
Enjoyed your site, love the Kids Recipe page, have it bookmarked. Thank you for signing my guestbook. Cheers....Lisa

JAYME - 11/16/99 19:53:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jayme07/
My Email:jayme07@lovemail.com
Favourite Web Page: mine :)
Hobbies: writting
Comments: ***hugs***
thank you for welcoming me!!! and for signing my guestbook! i love your site!

Allie - 11/08/99 06:09:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Vine/8189
My Email:allielk@yahoo.com
You have a wonderful web page here. Being in child care, I can tell you are very involved with children too. It is good to see that you have shared some of the recipes and poetry about kids with others. You have done a great job. I am sending your jok s page to my kids. They will love the oxymorons. Allie

- 11/08/99 06:05:21

Dana - 11/02/99 04:11:14
My Email:Danat6468@aol.com
Hobbies: My kids
Comments: Your web page is great.
Your web page is great. I just now got around to checking out the links in the shm club. yours is really cool. : )Dana

Carol - 10/28/99 20:01:28
My URL:http://members.spree.com/family/carolcrafty/
My Email:cesmith@ucom.net
Favourite Web Page: Dessigns By Carol
Hobbies: making Graphic & Webpages
Comments: very nice
Thanks for visiting my website and signing my guestbook. I really appreciate it.

I have enjoyed visiting your pages. Love your background on your homepage.

Little Bit, our 4 yr. old Shih Tzu invites you to come visit her Halloween Page. Click on the graphic to get there. : )

Laura - 10/21/99 13:44:29
My URL:http://www.homestea.com/MommysAngels
My Email:MommysAngels@swbell.net
Favourite Web Page: mine!:o)
Hobbies: What! I have 3 kids!
Hi! Very nice site! You are welcome anytime at either of my sites. God bless and have a great day!

Erica Y. Alt - 10/10/99 17:05:56
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~ericaalt/
My Email:ericaalt@flash.net
Your site is terrific! Keep up the great work! I belong to a website competition called The Rumbles and I think your site would be great addition! It's free to join and it's also FUN FUN FUN! I've made sooo many frie ds there and you can too! If you are interested in joining their competition, just click the banner below or go here http://www.therumbles.net . Oh, and of course, don't forget to visit my site and sign my guestbook!

Melanie - 10/08/99 22:18:32
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/LibrettoLn/halochick
My Email:sweetangel_711@yahoo.com
Favourite Web Page: mine *hehe* j/k aleassa's http://mypage.goplay.com/rainprincess
Hobbies: singing, music, hanging out, skateboarding,etc.
Comments: very cool page i think you checked my old page out and signed the gbook i hope you can check my new one out!!!!
do you have aol im???if you do im me MEL14CA or email me! thanx, bye

David Chong & Lim Soo Phin - 10/07/99 14:27:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Workshop/8360/album.html
My Email:kschong1@tm.net.my
Favourite Web Page: all of them
Hobbies: Internet surfing, photography
Hello Pranksster! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website and the very kind words you left in my guestbook. You have a great site. My wife and I truly enjoy our visit here and will come back again. Take care and keep up the good work.

Shelley - 10/05/99 00:46:33
My URL:http://members.home.net/shelleybob
My Email:shelleybob@home.com
Favourite Web Page: http://home.att.net/~skeldalehouse/
Hobbies: Reading
Comments: Member of Gifts of the Heart WebRing
Great site you have here! Very easy to navigate and the graphics are perfect. Thank you for all the work you put into this site.

Tammy - 10/04/99 01:56:58
My Email:vriend@dowco.com
Hobbies: crafts
Hi there Debbie. How are you doing? Thought I'd visit your web page again. Looking good. Take Care

George Nagmalik - 09/29/99 23:14:03
My URL:http://www.sanirayak.nu.ca
My Email:gnangmalik@sanirayak.nu.ca
Favourite Web Page: Anything goes
Hobbies: Sports
Comments: just surfing
No comments, your honor

Laura - 09/28/99 04:27:36
My URL:http://www.waystation.com/~lauraw
My Email:lauraw@waystation.com
Hobbies: Cross-stitching
Great site!! Like it alot.Come over to see mine...OK:-)

Tanya - 09/21/99 19:00:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/dolphiny2k
Favourite Web Page: Wufman had a really cool page!
Hobbies: playing pool, being a mom, etc etc
I got here through some other Canadian's back yard! I am from BC Canada myself. Very nice site...I LOVE DOLPHINS!!!

Sarah - 09/21/99 02:16:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/bobreboot
My Email:sarahmatrix@angelfire.com
Favourite Web Page: this one at the moment :)
Hobbies: slaving over my web page
Comments: :)
I love your page!!!! It's great that your site is so child-friendly--the web needs more pages like this! :):)

Ron Kling - 09/19/99 19:58:51
My URL:http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/caas
My Email:ronkling@sedona.net
Favourite Web Page: http://www.waitaminute.com
Hobbies: net surfing, arguing about stuff, hiking, cooking, and taking naps in the shade.
Comments: Take me to your reader.
Cool page so far. Nice collection of links. This is what this internet thingy is all about. Have fun.

Alazzia - 09/14/99 13:28:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/2961
My Email:alazzia@usa.net
I LOVE your page, Pranksster, especially the background! It's really pretty; good work! :)

Toni - 09/13/99 20:57:53
My URL:http://home.thirdage.com/Friendship/toni777/
My Email:toni@mhonline.net
Hobbies: computers ;-}
Hi Debbie, I enjoyed visiting your page and especially reading the children's poetry. Thanks for visiting my country home on the web and welcoming me to I Want's webring.
Random Act of Kindness

Lita Trace - 09/07/99 01:48:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1407/
My Email:ltrace@knology.net
Favourite Web Page: All Of Them
Hobbies: Computer mostly
New Page 1


We enjoyed your site.


/Nashville/1407/lita.jpg (7088 bytes)


Susan Sage - 09/04/99 03:50:53
My URL:/~nitelifer
My Email:ssage@adelphia.net
Favourite Web Page: too many to list!
Hobbies: putering,piano,hot-tubbin,music,making balloon animals!
Comments: Oh... I like pranks too *wink*
Hey! Thanks for dropping in for a visit to The Sage Page! I've already forwarded "kids recipes" to my nephew. You have some fun things here! Take care! Susie

Monique - 09/03/99 12:19:56
My URL:http://www.netheaven.com/~maf
Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook. You have a great page here....I love the jokes! Keep up the good work.
Random Act of Kindness

Mike - 09/03/99 07:39:48
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/houseboys/default.html
My Email:houseboys@hotmail.com
Favourite Web Page: MINE
Hobbies: learning HTML, work, SLEEP!
I was out surfing guestbooks, and I came across this wonderful site, keep up the great work!

Tom - 09/02/99 10:13:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~bradentontom
My Email:bradentontom@yahoo.com
I enjoyed my visit to your homepage. It was a lot of fun. You have done a terrific job with it. I hope you will check out my page when you can. Tom

Hope - 09/02/99 05:50:56
My Email:Hope@hopesrecipes.com
Favourite Web Page: http://www.hopesrecipes.com
Hobbies: Cooking, building & maintaining my domain; watercolors; camping; reading; shopping!
Comments: Favorite website was an unfair question for me!!! LOL!
I'm going to have to send my daughter over here to check
out your "Kid's Recipes" for my grandson, Ethan (the 1st!).
Thank you for visiting me and signing my guestbook!
And...from an American who thoroughly enjoyed her first
visit to Canada...Vancouver, B.C. to be exact, this past July
on holiday.  There are pics on my personal homepage of that
great city.  The hubby and I will definitely be back!

SuzieC - 08/26/99 14:08:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/1762/
Favourite Web Page: Personal one's from the Heart
Hobbies: Building web pages..etc..
Comments: Love your page!
Hi, Thank you for Visiting my pages. I hope to see you back again soon,I also try and make changes to mine when I can! :-) I love your web pages...they are beautiful..organized.....Hold your head proudly...you've done a beaytiful site. :-) SuzieC

Sara - 08/26/99 05:53:12
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/casper83
My Email:CABvsgrl@cs.com
Hobbies: talking,cheerleading,softball,shopping,singing,hanging with my boyfriend Josh
Comments: great page

Staci - 08/24/99 23:48:35
My URL:http://goplay.com/Staci316
My Email:_lil8@excite.com
Favourite Web Page: ??
Hobbies: Softball
Comments: Ok.

Erica Y. Alt - 08/24/99 17:45:41
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~ericaalt/
My Email:ericaalt@flash.net
Favourite Web Page: Lies People Tell
Hobbies: The Rumbles
Sorry, that was the wrong banner!!!

Erica Y. Alt - 08/24/99 17:42:55
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~ericaalt/
My Email:ericaalt@flash.net
Favourite Web Page: Lies People Tell
Hobbies: The Rumbles
Terrific site! I love the backgrounds!
Please take the time to visit my site and sign my guestbook, also!

Chachi - 07/29/99 08:19:52
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/bpics
My Email:bpics@goplay.com
Favourite Web Page: http://people.goplay.com/CSRevue
Hobbies: Spending time with my amazing 10 month old son, surfing the web, etc...
Great page...please come check out mine!!!

Melanie - 07/27/99 22:20:14
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/halochick
My Email:sweetangel_711@yahoo.com
Favourite Web Page: http://mypage.goplay.com/rainprincess
Hobbies: singing, reading, writing, hanging out, the beach
Comments: its really cool i like the poems, i hope you can visit my page i really like the i love you one
if you or anyone who sees this has a poem or story email me and check out my homepage i like to change the poems every week. thanks!

Darlene - 07/23/99 15:57:31
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/MadameZ/
This is a very great site - I've bookmarked many of the links. Drop by mine sometime.

momagen - 07/13/99 21:41:22
My URL:http://www.9to9webdesign.com
My Email:momagen@9to9webdesign.com
Favourite Web Page: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5929
Hobbies: My computer
Comments: stay at home mom of 2 girls:O)
Hi Pranksster, guess I better sign in!! Love the border. cute! momage

Kay Carroll - 07/10/99 14:02:24
My Email:maribethsmom@yahoo.com
Comments: its been a little while since I'v been by here and you've done a great job!

Vickie - 07/07/99 01:45:07
My URL:/SouthBeach/Shores/4262/index.html
My Email:i_want_@yahoo.com
Favourite Web Page: My own! hahaa
Hobbies: photography, baking, writing, music..etc
Comments: Congratulations!
Hi Debbie! Congratulations.. you have won my "Terrific Canadian Site" Award. Thank you so much for applying for one of my awards and bringing my to your page. It is done with great care and dedication. You have a terrific page! I will be sending you n email shortly to tell you where you can pick up your "real" award. Take care and I'll be back soon for updates...

I_want's Terrific Canadian Site Award

Ilona - 07/05/99 20:28:02
My Email:iguerra@royplas.com
Favourite Web Page: Babycenter.com
Hobbies: Reading, Internet surfing, playing with my son and my 2 dogs.
Comments: Great website links! I will definitely check some of them out!
Saw your website on Canadian Moms Alive. I am a new member. I am married, mom of 20 month old son. Live in Ontario.

Tammy - 06/21/99 21:03:47
My Email:vriend@direct.ca
Hobbies: crafts
Hi Prankster. Found your page through Shymouses page so I thought I would say Hello to you. Keep up the good work.

John Allen - 06/19/99 02:40:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/Allenx5
My Email:jallen@dcnet2000.com
Favourite Web Page: ours of course
Hobbies: reading, camping, movies, eh...this.
This is a very nice page you've got here. What I look at first ... well, not first, but eventually, is organization. For me, its a must around here and you've done quite well with it. Anyway, the page is set up nicely and rather interesting. Feel free to visit our site.

Carrie akaCarebear - 05/22/99 17:31:33
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/carebearsplace/frindsindex.html
My Email:Carebear1999_98@hotmail.com
Hobbies: Chasing my son and playing on the www
Beautiful page!!!

Christin - 05/22/99 00:45:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/weatherspage
My Email:christin99@aol.com
Favourite Web Page: Hmmmmm
Hobbies: painting, complaining, going crazy, the usual stuff.
Comments: *S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*
I was visiting Ladybug's page and I decided to check out some other pages and I'm glad I did *S* you have a very good page.

Heather - 05/02/99 02:00:21
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/prov
Comments: welcome!
I just stopped by to welcome you to SAHMOI!!

Melissa - 04/23/99 01:47:03
My URL:http://www.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/^brown^/index.html
My Email:brown352@prodigy.net
Nice page i Love the dolphins.........

Janice - 04/20/99 18:33:51
My Email:JEWS3@yahoo.com
Debbie, loved the site!

BrandaBroo - 04/20/99 13:32:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/ladybugladybug
My Email:BrandaBroo@yahoo.com
Favourite Web Page: MINE!!!!
Hi there!!! I'm new to stay home mommys and wanted to see your page... looks great!!! Grreat to know other moms like all of you. have a great day.

Teresa - 04/19/99 22:34:32
My Email:iveerose@aol.com
Hi Debbie, Looks great. Keep up the good work. Hugs to you Teresa

Katrina - 04/06/99 16:29:10
From SAHM club!

Kay - 04/06/99 07:08:30
My Email:maribethsmom@yahoo.com
Hobbies: reading, surfing web & cooking
Pranksster, I really enjoyed your site. I saw it on the message board! Kay

trishahathcock - 04/05/99 12:08:21
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/priarie/8026
My Email:trisha_angelo@yahoo.com
hey! it's trisha I really liked your page. It is really good. trisha

wiseowl - 03/26/99 02:29:58
My Email:kenmar@pacificcoast.net
Favourite Web Page: jedimatt & travis
Hobbies: getting injured
Comments: womderful web page. as good as I've ever seen

Denise - 03/19/99 23:20:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7116
My Email:shymouse@geocities.com
Favourite Web Page: mine..hehehe
Hobbies: web pages and anything to do with computers
Comments: great job!!!
Looking good!!! Keep up the great work I will come back often to visit to see the many changes you make.

Sannah - 03/16/99 02:34:20
My URL:http://maserholz.com/sannah/
My Email:sannah@ebox.tninet.se
Hobbies: Webdesign
Hello!!!! Looks just nice. If you waht help with more customiced graphics for your page just senda me an mail. // Sannah Lindgren

Jedi Matt - 02/27/99 19:13:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1131
My Email:jedi_matt@hotmail.com
Favourite Web Page: Mine and yours
Hobbies: Star Wars and computers
Great page! Keep up the good work

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