The members of "Freedom In Sight" are dedicated to raising puppies to be guide dogs. Our current pups are Dempsey, Gizmo, and Griff. Dempsey & Gizmo will be recalled for training 5/20/99. LaRue, Kyle (in Oregon) and Grant are in training at Guide Dogs For The Blind, Inc. Congrats to all their raisers. NEW raisers Chuck & Barbara picked up their male yellow lab " Mariner" on May 15, 1999 - of course he's cute, and full of himself. Pictures soon. On the 10th of June Jennifer, Chuck & Vanessa will receive a male German Shepard pup at Topanga "K" litter - can hardly wait.
"The nose knows" Dempsey and Little Griff get aquainted.
click here to Learn more about our pups!