From Nursery School
How to Relax The Perfect Cup of Hot Cocoa What I Want in a Man |
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Giggles From Nursery School:(by me as told to my Zadie when I was three)
"All the children (yeladim) in my class are three years old and sometimes we make mistakes."
"The week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur all the children wished each other ‘Sha-na-na’ until the teacher told us it was supposed to be ‘L-Shanah Tova’."
"We learned a new song called ‘Shalom Yeladim’, but one girl went home singing, ‘Shalom Halloween’."
"I made my Mom laugh when I told
her we learned to say ‘good morning’ in Hebrew and it is ‘broke your toe’.
She said it is ‘Bokor Tov’ but I still think the teacher said ‘broke your
While sitting comfortably on a fluffy soft cushion, sip a cup of tea by candlelight with some soft music playing in the background.
-Still cannot relax?...Think about the following:
The light blue sky is clear,
laced with only a few puffy white clouds which lazily float by. The glowing
yellow sun shines brightly down soothing and healing my body. The vivid
green grass surrounds me. Neatly cut and lush as I select one blade and
carry it with me as I pass through. Off to the left sits a conformable
white hammock. And off to the right rests a brown wooden bench shaped swing.
A short brown stump remains firmly rooted in the ground off center. A fury
gray squirrel jumps onto the stump and begins munching on a peanut. A small
brown and white chipmunk shoves several nuts into his mouth and quickly
disappears into a hole by the stump. A brown baby bunny lies peacefully
under the hammock and carefully washes himself. Pleasantly smelling flowers
lay parallel along the path on which I walk. For several feet off the path
red, yellow, pink, and purple buds bloom from long green stems. A few silky
petals fall from the thin but sturdy stems. Above the flowers blue birds
whistle a beautiful melody for me as gold finches chirp cheerfully. The
ruby throated hummingbird lands on a red flower and feeds. A red winged
black bird with his soft feathers decides to land on the swing. Then, he
gently flies over to the short tree branch which is swaying back and forth.
The refreshing, invigorating breeze sweeps through the trees as the healthy
green grass gently shakes. I follow the path through the trees and arrive
at a clearing where sand covers the ground. I step on the soft grainy sand
and pick up a tiny pink and white seashell. Large smooth shiny gray rocks
stand on the far sides of the beach. Lazily I move toward the water at
the edge of the sand. The water seems to call to me. As I move towards
it, I feel every worry of mine escape from my body and scurry down stream.
I cast away the blade of grass and see shell and watch them vanish in the
current. The clear blue sea water smells so refreshing. Gentle waves rhythmically
move along. The waves calmly crash on the rocks. The scene is breathtaking
and I feel relaxed and content.
The Perfect
Cup of Hot Cocoa:
Double the chocolate
Schnapps or Bailey's
Whip Cream
Cinnamon on top of the whip
WANTED: a smart, sweet, honest SM 25-34 year old non-smoker who doesn’t drink heavily. I am looking for someone I can be myself in front of. Someone who accepts and appreciates me. Someone who is fun to be with. Someone who is supportive and encouraging. I am looking for someone I can have decent conversations with. It is preferred that he is patient, respectful and understanding with a sense of humor. Also, must like dogs, kids and believe in equal rights for women. It’d be nice if he liked sports (esp. football), performing arts, and dancing. Lastly, it is preferred that he be semi-good looking.
Bonus points: if he is neat and Jewish!
By the way, as far as I am concerned, this man does NOT exist. Good luck proving otherwise to me. I deserve to be treated well.