About Me
Daily Praise
Assumption Abbey
Camp ReCreation
University of Mary

Today's 'Good News' verse for the
Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

"Our savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death
and brought life to light through the Gospel."

See Second Timothy 1:10

Site Updates

Journal Entery
April 30, 2006

News Items
April 7, 2006

My Calendar of Events

Camp ReCreation
(June 10, 2006 - June 16, 2006)

Annual Summer Vacation
(June 21, 2006 - July 5, 2006)

Assumption Abbey Auction
(July 15, 2006)

I did not intend to infringe upon anyone's potential copyright on any the following pages.
If you hold the copyright to any image I will remove, or site the image upon your request and / or direction

Web Master: Br. Anthony Baker, OSB