Welcome to my Guestbook!

Brittney and Lauren - 10/18/00 15:58:44
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~brittney445/
My Email:brittney445@ivillage.com

I am so sorry to hear about your niece. It breaks my heart. You have a beautiful web page-very sweet and touching. Keep up the great work.

Tasha - 10/07/00 21:38:37
My URL:http://TashaFoote.homestead.com/
My Email:harrypotter2_2000@yahoo.com

Hey, Gr8 website! I'll be praying for the baby. God Bless- Tasha

katie - 10/03/00 03:52:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/kszechenyi
My Email:kszechenyi@hotmail.com

Hi there, I am perplexed. You signed Andrews webpage in July with a message that sounded like he had died or something. He is a good friend and I am a bit worried by your message. Would you just email me and let me know that he is fine. I haven't heard from him in long while. Thanks Katie

Dina - 09/24/00 15:09:26

What a great website! I could never get my page to do all the neat stuff yours does. Thanks for visiting my page too!

Aunt Owwee - 09/24/00 12:59:09
My URL:/auntowwee
My Email:dreamwest@hotmail.com

Hi! I hope your niece is doing well! May God bless

Nicola-Rose - 08/26/00 03:42:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cola_rose16
My Email:NICOLA_ROSE@excite.com

Hey I found your pageon a link and just wanted to congratulate you on a beautifuly made page. I am redoing mine at the moment (visit if you have time but it's only half completed LOL). Your daughter is gorgeous. My daughter is only a couple of weeks older than yours.

Sharlita - 07/29/00 16:44:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/babies_day
My Email:babies_day@yahoo.com

Hello Laura I love your site!! Keep up the great work :) Also I wanted to welcome you to Young Mothers UNITE and I hope that we get to chat soon (((( HUGS ))))

Genocide - 07/11/00 19:21:42
My Email:southernbradt69@hotmail.com

Laura, Great job on the website I like what you dedicated it to I hope that it will help alot of young mother keep up the good work.

Amber - 07/09/00 01:47:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/laydeelytninbug
My Email:ladeelytninbug@hotmail.com

I love your site! i cant wait to see some pictures of your family :) amber

Laura - 07/08/00 23:10:01
My URL:http://worlabean.bizland.com/youngmom.html
My Email:lmonroe@yahoo.com

Hi, Angel Star - I love your page, and wanted to let you know I LOVE your daughter's name! It was one I'd picked out for my 2nd daughter, but my H vetoed it...keep up the good work! (: God Bless, and stay strong!

patty ange - 07/08/00 18:30:25
My URL:http://.
My Email:vanil_2000_2000

hey thanks alot for the help talk to when i can . patty ange

Callie - 06/30/00 23:23:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/CJaka/index.html
My Email:cjz_addy@hotmail.com

Hiya star! Its CJ! great page! WOW I'm using alot of !'s ! I still just can't believe all that I've missed with you! And incase I miss anything else, Good luck with everything (although by the sound of things, you don't need any luck!), and give your Ann a hug for me! I'll be waiting for the pictures!

FD - 06/21/00 15:27:37
My URL:http://http://www.angelfire.com/hi/FluffyD
My Email:isayquackquack@hotmail.com

Hello, thanks for signing my gbook great hearing from you again hope everything is well with you

Dawgfish AKA Goldfish - 06/07/00 22:13:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/Suckville
My Email:dawgied@hotmail.com


Hey LTNS. How you doing hun? How is life treatin ya? I haven't talked to ya in a hella long time. Most of the old gang hangs out again. Send me an email ASAP! Miss ya.
*your personal cook/strip er* Matt

Shadow - 03/14/00 10:25:56
My Email:itchy_rich@hotmail.com

This is shadow thank you for signin my guestbook. I would like to chat with U again some time... I thought that I would check your page out... It is very nice...

cat - 10/07/99 23:52:18

wrte me now

cat - 10/07/99 23:51:19

hey whats up

Party Girl LRF - 07/17/99 01:48:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/7782/
My Email:vero23@mailcity.com


Hey Amaris!! This is PG speaking....it's been a looong tiime!! Good Luck with baby Annabelle..very very happy newz...shouts out 2 Freebytes..hope 2 see u in ICQ soon! Love ya tons, PG

Jamie - 05/28/99 23:48:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/jamie88
My Email:silverlilac88@hotmail.com

You did a great job on your page.. Keep up the good work..*s*

Jamie - 05/28/99 23:48:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/jamie88
My Email:silverlilac88@hotmail.com

You did a great job on your page.. Keep up the good work..*s*

Jamie - 05/28/99 23:48:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/jamie88
My Email:silverlilac88@hotmail.com

You did a great job on your page.. Keep up the good work..*s*

Dusty - 05/25/99 02:26:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/StArDuSt
My Email:roofrat@hotmail.com


Hey Laura...just thought I'd stop by and say hey...i really miss you and wish you'd em il me or something...i love you grl..

Heather - 05/21/99 17:56:55
My Email:HeatherNew@webtv.net


Vlad Drac - 05/21/99 17:56:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ns/quinny
My Email:fnm02@hotmail.com

Hey there! You will find me in Coolchat also!! Take care!! See ya round!! :-)

Amber - 05/02/99 04:29:15
My Email:Amb3r_88@goplay.com

Love your page so i touhgt id sign the book

buffy - 04/08/99 01:37:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/lococat
My Email:freak.on.a.leash@usa.net

heya what's up? Your page is really kewl :) come check out mine, sometime!

BlueTiger (etc.) - 03/24/99 04:40:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Voodoo16/index-2.html
My Email:MaiTai16@hotmail.com


Cool page... *l* I can't imagine anywhere being as exciting as NYC! Anyways, take care, right?

Aura - 03/17/99 02:38:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/chiquita21/hello.html
My Email:lemons16@juno.com

hey there.. Thanx for signing my guestbook. :o) I like your page...the background color is really pretty. Well...good luck with the baby! hope you found a name at that link.

«§†â®ðü§†» - 03/16/99 21:17:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/StArDuSt
My Email:roofrat@hotmail.com


Hey Laura!! How are you sweetie? Dusty misses you :( I havent talked to you in a while so I figured I'd drop you a line or wo. :) I love your new page here..very well done. *claps* Go see mine sometime :) Anyway, email me sometime and tell me whats goin down. Love you always *hugs&kotc* -=Dusty=-

g0d - 03/16/99 20:59:01
My URL:http://i don't have one
My Email:g-0-d@goplay.com


I see how it is. Don't even put my name on your friends page. what kinda shit is that :o). hahaha just kidding. you demanded me to sign it so i am..

Lisa - 03/15/99 23:27:39
My URL:http://none.net
My Email:for_slayer@hotmail.com


I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my baby brother! I can't wait to be a big sister again =) I hope this one isn't a brat, though! I miss you & hope to talk to you sometime soon! ~Love, Lisa~

DawgFish - 03/15/99 04:01:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/Suckville
My Email:ask an maybe i'll tell


hey Laura. Nice to hear from you again. You said for me to check out your page so that's what i'm doing. Oh yeah my name is no longer Goldfish....it's DawgFish. But you can still call me that if you wa t. Well I gotta run so talk to ya later. Matt

LuCKyLuCHi@nO - 03/09/99 22:01:03
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ak2/0m3nc4/index.html
My Email:roque_e@hotmail.com


hey st@r, i like the page.. expeci@lly the im@ges... th@nks for signing my p@ge.. k@e..*hugs*.. t@ke c@re st@r, @nd m@ke sure @nd t@ke c@re of your child.. k@e.. hope everything goes gre@t for the 2 of you.. t@lk to you l@ter... *hugs*.. bye bye..
LuCKy LuCHi@nO

*katnip* - 03/08/99 04:17:54
My Email:IzT@Juno.com

Star...I'm not sure who you are, but I caught your webpage in the 'Generation X' chatroom, and I went to it!! =] It's a very good page, keep advertising! -Nip-

Ashley - 03/07/99 21:43:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/yt/asch5


Laura!!!!!! I miss chatting with you..*pout*.:o(
How are you doing???..Bill sent me the addy to the GENX room at Maui, I checked there, but had missed you..*sigh*
I hope all is well.....
Huge hugs and lots of love ..

Þø£te®ge¡§t - 03/06/99 21:40:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/Poltergeist666
My Email:Poltergeist666@hotmail.com


Hey there :~) cool page... i'll be checking out your friends pages. Check out mine, i think you'll like it. Please sign the guestbook as well. thanks hun, see you in teen chat :~Þ sorry i wrote this twice, but i screwed up your g estbook, and i wanted to fix it :)

Keri Reede - 03/02/99 21:31:20
My URL:http://www.coolchat.com/coolpages/Aspen/822.html
My Email:MsGoodyTwoShoes@webtv.net

I really liked your page, it was cool.

Andrea - 03/02/99 00:05:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/SHanDR
My Email:sad_4u@hotmail.com

Hey! Nice page. I like your banner thingy.
««•€•»» - 02/27/99 23:58:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Parc/9029/index.html
My Email:andfeae@hotmail.com


Hey Star!!! I love you're page...it's sooo kewl..*L*....thanks to you..i now talk *L* WOOHOO yeah baby!! *L* talk to ya later..Tootles

Mog - 02/26/99 04:02:43
My URL:http://angelfire.com/id/mogmckean
My Email:mogmckean@hotmail.com

nice page!...*g*...thanx for the spot on yer 'friends' page...doesn't matter where...am just happy am on it...*g*...well...i shall disappear now...see ya!...

FREAKAZOID - 02/24/99 21:18:32


just some stranger from your past - 02/24/99 02:47:11
My URL:sorry...
My Email:sorry...


Nice webpage. LAura
you'll probably never figure out who entered this
It's probably for the bst yah don't, I'm an odd character who's not in the mood for followers on...
and yah forgot me on your freinds page if I am one
ofcourse, what fun would it be if I told you who I was huh?


Silver Shadow - 02/23/99 22:56:36
My URL:http://www.hackedworld.com/silver
My Email:silver.shadow@mailexcite.com


Hey nice page ya got there.. check out mine or check out the page I hacked hehe
Or both hehe
You don't have shouts cause I didn't know you then (that was like..um..maybe 3 or 4 days ago hacked it h he) Well I just wanted to say nice page.

Shadow - 02/22/99 23:40:35
My Email:itchy_rich@hotmail.com

I like your page... It is so peacefull

€«ºRåZßÜ®Ì꺻€ - 02/19/99 05:27:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/razzylrf
My Email:razzleburie@hotmail.com

Laura!! *enormous hugs, kotc*... Damn I miss talkin' to you girl!! *smile*... But don't you dare worry 'bout a thing, I'll be meetin' you this summer!! *whoo hoo*... Can hardly wait, were gonna have a blast!! hehehe. . You and all your cravings!! *giggles*... Take care of yourself and the little one too! *warm smile*... My very best of wishes to you and Free... *huge hugs*... Farewell my dear friend...
Always and Forever More, Billie...

AngelStar - 02/19/99 01:46:26
My URL:http://www.this page here is minez
My Email:icestar33@hotmail.com


Hey there, just testing this out.

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