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Read about my miscarried angel here |
This page is dedicated to all those who have lost a child. I hope by creating this page that I can give hope to others going through this difficult time in their life.
I always knew that I would be a mother, but I never imagined what God had planned for me and my children.
It all began when I found out that I was pregnant in August of 1994 but I never made it to my first appointment. I had a miscarriage on Labor Day 1994 followed by a D&C two weeks later. After six weeks I started trying again and became pregnant only 3 months later.
I was really scared this time and very careful of every thing and 5 months into my pregnancy an ultrasound was prefromed and it was dertermined that I had too much amniotic fluid. We knew this could cause some problems for the baby but nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen. I was scheduled for another ultrasound but I delivered my son on June 19,1995. There was nothing that could have been done for him. The amniotic fluid filled his lungs therefore they didn't develop fully. God had other plans for him. After only 3 hours on earth My son Parker Andrew became an angel... read his birth story here. |
I became pregnant again in April 1996. My doctor kept a very close eye this pregnancy. I was scared to do everything. This pregnancy felt very different than my previous one with my son. Everything was progressing nomally and then on January 6,1997 my daughter Jessica Anne was born a healthy 8lbs 4oz and 20in. long. She was the answer to my prayers. Sadly to say her dad and I divorced 2 years 2 months later. But I am very blessed to have such a beautiful little girl...read her story here... |