![]() Descendants of Nicholas ClosserNicholas Closser was born abt 1751 in Germany, and died about 1835 in Wayne County, IN. He married (1) Rebecca Smithshe was born abt 1755 in Germany. He married (2) Mary Hafer abt 1780 in Virginia, she was born around 1760 in Virginia, and died 1829 in Union County, IN. When Nicholas was about 2 years of age, he, with his parents emigrated to America, where they arrived previous to the Revolution, and settled in Virginia, not to far from Harper's Ferry. When George Washington's army was encamped at the Ferry, Mr. Closser fed them until his crop of 700 acres of corn was consumed, and did not receive any compensation from the government. In 1802 he moved to Washington County, PA and then in 1814 moved to Butler County, Ohio and then onto Wayne County, IN. His will was found in the book Old Will Record 2, Butler County OHIO page 232. He apparently died however in Wayne County, IN around 1835-1836 after being thrown from a horse at the age of 84. The info on Nicholas Closser was taken off of the internet, Daniel J. Thompson, of Crown Point, Indiana had contributed the family genealogy. Nicholas Closser's Will: "In the name of God, amen. I Nicholas Closser of the county of Butler and state of Ohio being in good health of body and of sound mind and memory thans be to God for the same and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs whilst I have strength and capacity so to do: do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revolking and making all former wills by me made and previously I commit my soul into the hands of my Creator who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently interred: and as to such worldly estate where with it hath pleased God to entrust me with dispose of the same as the money that is owing to me can or will be collectied it shall be put out to interest for the use and benefit of son Charles Closser. Remain so for his use until his death also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Catherine Thompson five dollars also I give and bequest unto the heirs of my son John Closser five dollars and it is my will that after the death of my son Charles Closser all my estate that shall then remain shall be divided equally between Elizabeth Horn, Daniel Closser, Nicholas Closser, Nancy Moris late Nancy Closser, Mary Horn, Jacob Closser and Abraham Closser also it is my will that Samuel Young shall be guardian for my son Charles Closser. Also it is my will that Daniel Closser shall be my executor to this my will and lastly I declare this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal the twenty eight day July in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine. Nicholas Closser. Singed and sealed in presence of Caleb L. Smith and Samuel Davis Jr. Source: Old Will Record 2, Butler County, Page 232. Several grandchildren were born in Amwell Township on the old Closser farm which was situated on the Branch of Ten Mile Creek. Source: History of Wahington County, Pennsylvania Listed in the 1830 census of Ohio, Milford Township, Butler County. Nicholas' name appears in several deed books of Wahington County, PA and Butler County, OH.
2. ? twin 2 3. Catherine C., b. abt 1783 Harper's Ferry, VA; d. 1829; md. ? Thompson 4. John, b. January 2, 1784, Sperryville, Rappahannock, VA; d. 1814 Lone Pine, Amwell Twp, Washington, PA. 5."Polly" Mary, b. abt 1785 Harpers Ferry, VA; d. abt 1829 (twin to Nicholas Jr) 6.Nicholas Jr., b. abt 1785 Harpers Ferry, VA; d. abt 1829 (twin to 'Polly' 7.Daniel M., b. June 25, 1786 Harpers Ferry, WV; d. November 25, 1855 LaPorte, IN 8.Henry, b. abt 1788 (twin to Rebecca) 9.Rebecca, b. abt 1788 (twin to Henry) From the Reporter, Washington Co., PA Tuesday September 3, 1833 Vol 1 No 9 says:
Register's Office, August 29, 1833. Notice is hereby given to all legatees, creditors, and other persons concerned, that the undernamed (sic) executors and administrators, have filed their accounts in the office of the Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, PA. and that they will be presented to the Orphan's court of the county aforesaid, on Wednesday the 24th day of September next, for confimation and allowance. (signed) JOHN GRAYSON, REG. The account of REBECCA CLOSSER and JOHN HORN, executors of the last will and testament of JOHN CLOSSER, DEC. (This must be Rebecca's brother) 10.Hetta, b. abt 1790, Harpers Ferry, (twin to William) 11.William, b. abt 1790, Harpers Ferry, (twin to Hetta) 12.Elizabeth, b. abt 1794 VA; died 1854 Amwell, Washington, PA(twin) 13.? twin to Elizabeth, b. 1794 14. Jacob, b. abt 1796 Harpers Ferry; md. Susanna Heffley 15.Charles, b. 1797 Harpers Ferry, VA; died August 23, 1855, Bath Twp, Franklin, IN.
17.Abraham, b. October 12, 1800 Sperryville, Rappahannock, VA; d. July 17, 1844, Butler, IN 18.Nancy, b. October 29, 1803 Washington Co., PA; d. August 23, 1877 Madison, IN (see Enoch Morris Family) For the complete family of Nicholas Closser go to: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/t/h/o/Daniel-J-Thompson/index.html ![]() Home ![]() © Rita Peitz - Team Creations |