Sharen Anita Land                            Hello!  My name is SHAREN and I was born a LAND in the beautiful Blue Mountains of Northeastern Oregon!  I then became a CARTER for 30 years, and now am a CHAMBERS.  Researching my ancestry for over 10 years has uncovered a wealth of information which I have shared with many new found 'several times removed cousins' and would now like to offer it to you... hoping to find more...

South Pass, central Wyoming
South Pass crossing the Continental Divide Ruts
near Jeffrey City, Wyoming.
Photo by Lesley Wischmann.
Oregon California Trails Assn

          After vacationing in the western states a few years ago, I actually saw the thousands of wagon train ruts deeply embedded into the land and I suddenly became overwhelmed with pride just knowing that some of my families had travelled these trails and endured many hardships, adverse weather conditions, tragedies and happy moments... and my LAND's, and so many others... ended up in Oregon Territory... to them I will be forever grateful...

Welcome Descendants of ISSAC LAND 1750-1821 Welcome Descendants of FIELDING BARNES 4/25/1807-1/30/1894 Welcome Descendants of WILLIS McLAUGHLIN May 19, 1792 - ?
     Issac Land 1750-1821
     Henry Sams
     John Oakes
     Truax Families
     Alva Keller
     Daniel Elliott Sr
     Elias Platz (Plott)

    - Land Photos
    - Sams Photos
     Fielding Barnes 1807-1894
     Abraham Grant
     Finley McAlister
     B. F. Norton
     Charles Wetzell
     Jared Barber
     Thomas Noble
     Alvin Bills

    - Barnes-Norton Photos
       Updated 3-30-03
    - Myrtle Norton Running
      100th Birthday!

     Willis McLaughlin 1792-?
     Edward H. Miley
     Talbot Family
     Thomas Bonner

    - McLaughlin Photos
    - Miley Photos

     William Barker 1798-1879
     Bertrim Howell
     Jacob Myers

    - Barker Photos
    - Howell~Myers Photos
     Franklin Carter 1778-1853
     John Diefenbach
     Hiram Chambers 1797-1877
     Robert Morris
     Nicholas Closser
My Personal Library - other information in my files
Family Newsletters, More Info, Etc.
Email Sharen!

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   GenForum  ~Message Boards by Surname~
~ Sams Family Century Farms
~ KilbyGenealogy.org
~ Kilby Family Genealogy
~ Family Ties (Land)
~ Ancestors of Ralph Allen Pittman (Sams)
~ Land Photograph Page
~ Sherry's Genealogy Home Page (Land)
~ The Parlett Family of MD: Wetzel
~ INDEX to BARBER Family Outlines
~ Family History, Kathleen McLaughlin
~ Clan McLaughlin Society
~ Jennie's Genealogy Page (Carter)

Website Graphics & Design by Toni McLaughlin

Sharen loves Yellow Roses, I made this one for her.