Our Story: In March 1999 Nicole (then 21 months old) was hospitalized with Bacterial Meningitis. She was seen by several doctors over a 5 day period and we were told repeatedly that she only had the flu and not to worry but on the sixth day she was admitted into the intensive care unit in critical condition. Some of the symptoms she had that indicated meningitis are:
High fever which is unresponsive to medications and cool baths, loss of appetite, excessive vomitting, irritability, sleepiness, lethargy, stiff neck movements, staring spells, dehydration and on the day she was admitted to hospital there was also a high pitched screaching/moaning, periods of unconsiousness and seizures.
Bacterial meningitis is a relatively rare illness that starts out like the flu but very quickly developes into a terrifying condition that can cause permanent disabilities and possibly death. It can hit anybody at anytime. When caught early enough it is treatable with antibiotics. So familiarize yourself with the symptoms and don't be caught unprepared. If you suspect someone you know may have meningitis don't hesitate to go straight to your nearest emergency room. The sooner treatment is started the better the chance of full recovery.
Nicole was very lucky she is doing fine now, she is healthy, happy and has had no serious after effects.
Please visit the links below, they have information on both Bacterial and Viral Meningitis.