My Family Tree
Pat Evans

"Pouch Cove Newfoundland"


Home Card

I bet I know why you are are addicted to genealogy like me. Actually, God placed me on this journey last year. He began to teach me that I know where I am going in CHRIST and to understand the depth of what he has in store for me in the future, I have to understand the past. God has taught me that in order for me to truly minister to others, I have to understand where they come from. While in the field of social work about three years ago, God began to show me that there are alot of hurting people in the world. God taught me mighty things of his LOVE. The Bible tells us that God is LOVE. Without his love we cannot understand how to be loved or to love. God has showed me his mercy and his love in mighty ways. And because of his great love, I will never, never, never be the same. I pray that you are blessed today as you continue your journey in the past and in your future.......Remember:

"People need the Lord, People need the Lord, at the end of broken dreams, he's the open door. People need the Lord, People need the Lord, when will we realize, that he has paid the price and People Need The Lord........."


Created 8 Jan 2000 by EasyTree, from Sierra On-Line