
Cecelia in foreground, Rachael at left of jumping table, Velvet at right, and two yearling does in Fall 1989. Our herd was still small then.

A 1988 photo of Velvet heading into the barn. She remains the proportionally longest doe we have ever seen.

Simon's first daughter, Song, as an 8-month old junior winning GCh. AOP (every breed but Nubian) at our first State Fair of Texas show. (Who positioned those rear legs?!?)

Another Simon daughter, Danuha, as a 7-month old junior following her half-sister with the RGCh. AOP win. (Rear legs from one extreme to another - hehehe!)

Love is in the air! *sniff, sniff* (Matt with Choice.)

Kissy as a 4-yr old.

"Teaser" at a year and a half of age.

Begonia at a year and a half of age.
Last updated December 15, 2000
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