Do you live in the Lake suburb of Heartland at
GeoCities? Do you have a Homepage that you are proud of and would like to
show others? Do you like living on the Lake and want to see what other Lake
Homesteaders have done? Then you will be right at home at Lake Heartland!! This new
webring features and links together Lake Homepages that wish to share the
varied interests, challenging experiences, life stories, family pictures, treasured recipes from Grandma, fun crafts, serious hobbies or perhaps even have a story or picture of their favorite pet while
increasing traffic to their sites.
Requirements to join:
In order for you to join the ring your page must
be located in Lake suburb of Heartland of GeoCities, or you must be a
Heartland-Lake CL.
You must have a site that you are proud of, and
that is kept up nicely - preferably with no broken images (or very few if
any). ABSOLUTELY NO PORNOGRAPHY OR PROFANITY on any of your site's pages!!!
Your site MUST not violate GeoCities content guidelines.
The HTML code fragment for the webring must be located within the first 2 page-links of your submitted URL
- in other words, the code for the ring must either be on the page where the visitor first arrives
OR there must be a direct link to a "webring page" or page where the code
is located.
When joining the ring, you must upload the ring
graphic to your server! Linking will slow down the process and the ring traffic.
You MUST add the complete coding as soon as possible (within two weeks).
After submitting your site to Lake Heartland,
you will receive an email from the WebRing server adding your site to the
temporary queue and assigning you an ID number. After you get your ID number,
email Glenhardin Farm with your site
ID# and URL in order to be taken from the queue and officially added to the
You have two weeks time from submission to the
queue to being added to the ring, otherwise you will need to resubmit your
site again.
Submit site to
Lake Heartland
Here is the graphic for the webring. For
those new to copying graphics, place your cursor over it, right click on
your mouse and select "Save Picture As..." and copy to your computer's
hard-drive. You will then need to upload the graphic to your site's GeoCities
directory via FTP or the GeoCities File Manager's "EZ File Upload" feature.
Direct linking to this graphic is not permitted.
Here is the HTML coding fragment for the webring.
Copy and paste it to your submitted URL page's HTML code. After pasting it
to your HTML code, fill in the appropriate information for your site ("YourName", your email address, the directory where you have saved the graphic, and your assigned ID#.)
And here is how the webring graphic and fragment
should appear on your page:
Lake Heartland
WebRing Member Information
Editing your own site:
If you are already part of the Lake Heartland
Ring, and need to edit your site information, enter your site ID along with
your password below. (The Ring ID For Lake Heartland is:
Please note:
When you are finished updating your information,
PLEASE LOG-OUT of the WebRing Site Manager. Otherwise you will lock-up the ring for over 20 minutes and
no one else will be able to access the ring during that time--including you
if you need to re-edit your site information.
Thank you!
Linda C., RingMaster
last updated July 12, 1999
© 1999 Lake Heartland WebRing