<BGSOUND SRC="/chauney.geo/lealace.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Chauney's Home Page
Come on in sit down and have a drink and you can get to know a little about me.
This is me....Chauney Also know as Imspldrottn.  If you go deeper into my pages, you will see more pictures and information about me and my family.
Somethings about me...
I love summer time, could handle it all year round.  I like to camp and go fishing.  My favorite football team is the Greenbay Packers.
My favorite holiday is well.......all of them...lol
I have Six Children ages range from 19 to 9, and only 1 Girl. Check out my pages there are lots of pictures.
We also have a pet store going on right now at our house...we have a Daisy, Sam, Marshmallow, Jersey, and Copper
As you look thru my pages you will get to know a little bit more about me and my family and friends..   enjoy  
Remeber to be patient with me if you check out my page, it is in need of an update, I now have my own shop.... Hometown Florist and Crafts and It does take alot of my time.  Thanks for stoping by.
Click here for photo page 1.
Click here for My Family Tree page.
Click here for more photos.
Want to get in touch with me? Like my page? Email me! [Chauney@geocities.com]
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click to go to the tree page
Don't forget to sign in PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
This is me in my many phases, I finally got nerve and cut off all my hair.  But I have been growing it back.  Yeah phase over...lol  I will get pictures updated soon of everyone I know I am behind on keeping things up.
Click here for My Dedication Page
Yes, More pictures