Memorial site for my son has been moved to the "PENTAGON". (09-04-99 status: Near 27,000 visitors have browsed pages at his site!)


Reflection of the Echo


I cannot imagine words failing to delight and sustain me, but if they do, I’ll yet be surrounded (and I can return to) the words of other minds. In the case of no longer being able to read, I would listen...In the bleaker case of not being able to hear, I would remember...In the most dire case of my body housing a mind that could no longer think, the consciousness of loss is gone also.


For me, writing started as a pastime, then became a potent drug ~ an addictive passion. My writing has kept me sane; I can do it anywhere, anytime, any way I want. Nothing else in life has offered me that kind of freedom. I’ve longed to possess the gift of writing which embodies personality of the author in words and thoughts that retain their beauty and fragrance after the lapse of time… tender, intimate, sacred… the feeling of having opened a book and found memory blossoms of yesteryear, sweet and beloved and gentle, between it’s ancient leaves.


All authors invest a great deal of themselves into their stories and books – the blood and sweat and tears of private thoughts, feelings, ideas. It is an intimate glance into the workings of their mind, their heart, their soul. To be a writer, you must become intellectually and emotionally naked in front of your readers... taking the clothes off one’s body is always easier than taking them off the mind.


Not being known does not stop truth from being true. As readers see behind writer’s masks, you’ll see what compelled me to put these words on paper. But sometimes, when the light’s just so, writers can see behind reader’s masks as well. In that light, perhaps I’ll find you walking along these pages with me...


"Here’s to plain speaking and clear understanding..."


08-07-99 Note: Check back often for additions.
Meanwhile, please visit Jerry's site ...

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