Sleeping Dragon Forge

My Forge Page

A little information about coal

Some books about blacksmithing

A few links

A glossary of blacksmithing terms (under construction)

Another time consumer

Yet another time consumer

Welcome to Sleeping Dragon Forge. If you are a fledgling blacksmith looking for information about forges, or just someone with an interest in learning more about blacksmithing, you've found the right place (or more accurately, one of the right places).

After several years of reading about blacksmithing, I started my hands on experience at the end of summer 1998. I received a lot of help from various websites put up by other smiths, ABANA's listserver (theForge), and from the newsgroup alt.crafts.blacksmithing. I decided to create this webpage to help spread some of the information I have gathered or learned by doing.

My forge page has information about the portable forge I started with. There are also some drawings of (and assembly instructions for) probably the easiest type of coal forge to build - a brakedrum forge. I am now working on construction of a larger indoor forge (got tired of waiting for good weather to drag the portable one out) with more flexibility. I will be adding information about that forge as it progresses. (updated 10/14/99)

This website is updated on a very irregular basis (There's never enough time to do everything.). Look around and please check later for new additions.

October 24, 2004: Sometimes life just gets too hectic, and you have to make some decisions on what you have time for. I haven't had much time for this website or blacksmithing for quite a while. I'm going to try to change that in the near future. I'll gradually be cleaning up the website (fixing links, etc) and hope to get back to work in the shop soon.

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