The above picture was taken on April 16, 1998.
Heather passed away on May 2, 1998.
This was their last picture together.
God made her, though they say she's not perfect,
That she won't live to grow strong and tall,
I know that He watches over her,
For He sees every sparrow that falls.
Her life has a purpose and meaning,
Though, we try, we can't understand,
God's ways are so much higher than our ways,
Just trust Him and hold to His hand.
So don't worry about what tomorrow might bring,
Just love her and cherish each day
For each moment you see is like sand in our hand,
Too soon it has slipped away.
And if God should choose to call her away,
Don't weep for I know she will be,
With Jesus where there's no imperfections
A perfect ANGEL for all eternity
Written By: Pamela Jean Meyer
I wonder what this world might be,
If not a one of us could see,
You would not judge me for my blonde hair and eyes of blue,
You would judge me by the way I treated you,
You would judge me by my spirit and attitude,
And you would be listening, to know, if I was kind or rude,
You would be searching then, for the things you could not see,
And isn't that the only way you can know what's really me?
And so, I ask again of you, how do you think this world might be,
If we had to judge each other and none of us could see?
written by: Lyn aka Sis
Little Angel with the broken wing,
You're a gift from God above,
We're so glad He gave you up,
You fill our hearts with love.
Little Angel with a broken wing,
So much joy you've brought,
There's so much we can learn from you,
There's a lesson to be taught.
Little Angel with a broken wing,
We know you're Heaven sent,
Little Angel with a broken wing,
It's not really broken ~~ just bent!
Written By: Pamela Jean Meyer
Here's just a little something,
That I felt I had to say,
About all the joy and happiness,
You bring to me each day.
Every since you came along,
My life hasn't been the same,
And now you're reaching two years old,
And I'm so glad you came.
I've faced that someday you'll be gone,
And it pains my very soul,
But you'll be up in Heaven,
And you'll hurt no more I know,
I think about you everyday,
Your smile, your eyes, your face,
In my eyes you're an earthly Angel,
Taking a Heavenly Angels place.
You've brought so much joy into my life,
Like no~one has before,
And every time a day goes by,
I love you even more.
I don't know if you'll understand,
These things I say to you,
But when you smile that Angel smile,
In my heart I know you do.
Written By: Pamela Jean Meyer
She has soft blonde hair and big blue eyes,
She is always smiling she hardly ever cries,
She is not aware of things going on,
She is like a wilted flower who is lost without the sun,
Jenny can't walk or talk yet,
I believe that inside of her there is someone just aching to get out!
Possibly saying, don't give up, I'm in here!
Though she may never be normal and run and play like other children,
There is one thing, like the rest of us that she will do and that is,
Go to Heaven.
There she will have the kind of life that was not possible for her on earth.
This is not anyone's fault,
It is just something that happens and something we all accept,
And try to help, for someday she will be rewarded...
She will never be forgotten.
She is a brave little soldier in a big strange world.
I wish Jenny and all of her little friends could know how we feel...
But, even more, I wish we could know what they are feeling.
Written by: Lyn aka Sis
If you have someone, you love as your mate,
Then tell that, someone, before it's too late,
Tell that, someone, who to you is so dear,
Say it, while you can speak and they can hear,
So, I implore you, please don't delay,
Tell that someone you love them, today,
And know that you have the blessing of God from above,
For in this life, you have someone you love.
Written by: Lyn aka Sis
A meeting was held quite far from earth, "It's time again for another birth,"
Said the Angels of the Lord above. "This special child will know much love,"
Her progress may seem very slow; Accomplishments she may not show.
And she'll require much extra care, From all the folks she meets down there.
She may not laugh or run or play; Her thoughts may seem quite far away.
In many ways, she won't adapt, And she'll be known as "Handicapped".
So let's be careful where she's sent, We want her life to be content.
Please, Lord, find the parents who, Will do this special job for you.
They will not realize right away, The leading role they're asked to play.
But with the child from above, Comes stronger faith and richer love.
And soon they'll know the privilege given, For caring for this gift from
Their precious child so meek and mild, Is "Heaven's Very Special Child."
Written by: Lyn aka Sis
Real people don't change from day to day,
They are the same, at home or away.
For when they are with loved ones or far apart,
Their surroundings may change, But never their Heart.
Some people may call them square, you see,
So if you think you're square just look at me.
For the one true love that time cannot rust,
It's based on one thing we simply call trust.
Written by: Lyn aka Sis
Speak a word of kindness, with happiness and cheer,
For that is what most of us, would really like to hear.
For with a kindly word, so spoken,
Someone's unhappiness, can be broken.
A simple word, can change their day,
And make it good, in every way.
So, if your words make someone mad, sad, or feel bad,
Instead of words, to make them glad.
I would suggest, please be a doll,
and just don't say, anything at all.
Written by: Lyn aka Sis

When I start judging others a voice says take a report,
Look at yourself, do you fall short?
So I hym and haw and I rationalize,
And after, sometime, I realize,
That I'm not perfect, neither are you,
And so, I think, the thing to do,
Is always be patient and try to be kind,
And with this philosophy, I believe, you will find,
When you catch yourself judging others, just quickly retort,
Don't do it, baby, for you, too, fall short.
Written by: Lyn aka Sis
The person too independent, the person too strong,
Does not feel he should help, someone else along.
There's joy in helping others but, be gracious and let others help you,
For, remember, we are all brothers so, whatever, else you may do.
Just don't be too independent and just don't be too strong,
For others have to feel needed, and they will be needed,
If they help you along.
Written by: Lyn aka Sis
People, sometimes, say so innocently to me,
You are not what I expected you to be.
And I always wonder just what they meant,
Should I feel complimented or should I resent.
That vague statement that's never quite clear,
And, yet, it's something quite often I hear.
I wonder why pictures we do get in mind,
Then meet someone and simply find.
They are not the way we expected them to be,
But, I always like them and I hope they like me.
Written by: Lyn aka Sis

"May you always walk in sunshine, And God's love around you flow,
For the happiness you gave us, No one will ever know.
It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone.
A part of us went with you, The day God called you home.
A million times we've needed you, A million times we've cried.
If love could only have saved you, You never would have died.
Written By: Lyn aka Sis
Sometimes we think of yesterdays, Happy times along life's ways,
And then, we wish we could return, When for the past our heart does yearn,
If we could just go back to then, And change things, to how, they might have been,
Don't grieve for things that are past, For nothing in this world will last,
Think of where you're going, not where you've been, Throw thos thoughts away and forget them,
You can't return to yesteryear, You are living now and here,
So don't tear yourself up and make life a mess,
Throw those memories into the sea of forgetfulness.
Written By: Lyn aka Sis
As a small child I was told, At the end of the rainbow there was gold,
These wonderful tales I did believe, And joy from them I did receive,
I never searched or tried to find, But it was joy to fill my mind,
I'd rather believe in those tales of old, And think there is a pot of gold,
Than not believe and have no fun, After all it hurts no one,
And who can say if there's gold or not, For who ever found that rainbow pot?
Written By: Lyn aka Sis
I walked along the summer path, I heard the little children laugh,
I loved one and she loved me, And the world was beautiful to see,
Soon Autumn fell and Winter came, And nothing ever was the same,
My love was gone my eyes were dim, And the world was not as it had been,
Now the sky is bright and joy I know, As I view the earth below,
My love is here and joy is mine, And children laugh and play through time.
Written By: Lyn aka Sis
I'm packing them in the bathroom these day, All kinds and sizes and all different ways,
If you go to the bathroom and don't let them in, They make you feel like you're committing a sin,
They scratch and they pound, To let you know they're still around,
If you let them in you can't stand up, Without stepping on some darn pup,
And you reach to give a pat, You'll have another pup wanting some of that,
They jam the door until you can't get out, If I could go to the bathroom alone, I'd shout,
Talent I don't have and, sometimes, I'm in a haze, But I'm packing them in the bathroom these days.
Written By: Lyn aka Sis
My house is not a house hair free, So don't dress up to visit me,
For covered with hair you will get, On that you can certainly bet,
But pets are lots of joy and fun, And I'll cry when I lose, even one,
So, if you don't like dogs it just might better be, If you don't come to visit me,
For they will live here until they die, So, if you don't like them don't come by,
For I love my pets you see, So, if you don't, don't visit me.
Written By: Lyn aka Sis
We sit and we type and we stare at our screens,
We all have to wonder, what this possibly means.
We chat with each other, we share all our woes,
Small groups we do form and gang up on our foes.
We wait for somebody to type out our name,