Info on Me
Below is some info on me. Please, if you want to email me or put me on your ICQ list, please make sure that you don't use profanity, any type of sexual comments or any other crud like that. My email address and ICQ # are below in the info.
Name: Jason Harris
D.O.B: April 9, 1982
Location: Texas
Spirituality: Christian
ICQ#: 37883121
Below is a survey that seniors in high school fill out to be put in the yearbook. Unfortunately, they won't put all of them in, so here's the survey and a * by the ones that were put in the yearbook.
*Best Friends: J.L., A.B., R.M., C.P., P.H., S.A., P.N., K.M. and everyone else
*Like To Be Remembered For: Being a sweetheart to the girls; Friend to the guys
*Most Important To Me: My walk with Jesus Christ
Hobbies: Listening to music, hanging out with friends, and sleeping
Favorite Teacher: Coach Matta and Mrs. Goodson
Self-Description: Loving and caring
Nickname: Big J
Favorite Hangout: Anyplace where there are other Christians around
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Saying: How about you shut up before I smack you through the wall like last Monday? (off Big Daddy)
Life Goals/Ambitions: To be a disc jockey for a Christian radio station and to continue reaching out to people
Childhood Toy: Stuffed Mouse
Favorite Song: Dive by DC Talk
Favorite Movie: Big Daddy, Silent Rage, and Young Guns
Favorite Food: Tunafish Sandwhiches
Favorite Color: Blue
Here are some more info on me.
Maritial Status: Single, and am waiting on the perfect mate from God
Favorite TV Show: 3rd Rock From the Sun and 24
Favorite Restaurant: Cracker Barrel
Favorite Actor: Chuck Norris and Adam Sandler
Favorite Actress: I'm not sure, I guess I'd say either Christina Applegate or Kristen Johnston
Favorite Memory: The Texas Rangers game that I went to with my friend Andy and his parents when they played the Baltimore Orioles in the 2000 season and I embarrased myself by accidentally rooting for Albert Belle (the most hated baseball player today) in the top of the ninth and the Senior trip to Six Flags where my friend Matt, who's an All-Star basketball player, blew 15 to 20 dollars shooting baskets and missed every single shot and the 2001 prom
Worst Memory: The bad times I faced in 8th grade, like feeling so lonely and wanting a girlfriend so badly to suicidal thoughts, and just the way some things turned out in my senior year in high school, from me almost not graduating to wishing I had done some more things in high school to many other things that I don't really want to say
Favorite Book: Most of all, the Bible, and then some books in the Executioner, Able Team, and Phoenix Force series
Favorite Soft Drink: RC and Root Beer
Favorite Pizza: Pepperoni
Favorite TV Commercial: The Budweiser commercials where they go "WHASSUP?" and the Jack In the Box commercial featuring the Dallas Cowboys powerball
Pets: 3 dogs (a border collie named D.J. and two poodles named Phoenix and Doofy), three cats (Squeaky, Megan, and Miss Ugly, pronounced Missoogly)and a brother.
Places I'd Like to Visit Someday: Canada and England
Pet Peeves: People who only think about themselves, people who makes fun of others just for their appearances, disabilities, and interests, people who show cruelty to babies, young children, and animals, and people who joke about God and the Bible
Biggest Fear: Somebody like a close family member or friend dying
Favorite School Subject: Study Hall and my 8th period class my senior year (I didn't have one, lol)
Least Favorite School Subject: Math and Communication Graphics