Welcome to My Homepage

    What you'll find here are the eclectic things which interest
    this stay-at-home mother of two girls who finds little time to herself.
    I'll post some links to some of my favorite cyber hang-outs
    as well as links to some of my own webpage creations.

    This website is in its infancy, so your indulgence is requested.

    My interests include:

    the Philippines
    learning about computers
    history of medicine

    Here are some of my favorite links in the meantime:

    Ladies of Lallybroch
    By far my favorite hang-out, LOL is a wonderful community devoted to the Outlander series
    written by Diana Gabaldon.  Intelligent discussions.   Fun.  Mayhem.  Revelry in all things Scottish.

    Reader's Paradise Forum
    Another great forum for discussion of books of all kinds.  Very friendly here too.

    Garden Web
    A terrific forum for serious and not-so-serious gardeners.  Got questions?
    You can probably find the answers here.

    St Louis Blues
    Okay, so the Blues have never won the Stanley Cup.  They're still a fun team to watch.
    And I love to watch hockey.

    The Bad Movie Review site
    If you like movies that are so bad they're good, then here's a site that will give you alot of
    suggestions and a chance to do some reviewing yourself.

    The Searchable Online Archive of Recipes, I find this to be a good resource.

    HTML Goodies
    This is one of the best sites I've found for learning basic and not-so-basic html.

    Here's a link to my That's Outlandish! page:

    That's Outlandish!
    This is my own creation.  Created because of the books by Diana Gabaldon, this site has the
     book titles and their synopses, more of my favorite links, some of my favorite quotes from
    the books, and some gifs which I have created.  Please check it out.


    Hope you found something of interest here!

    Thanks for stopping by.

    What did you think so far?  Drop me an e-mail.
    Click here to write me.