Welcome To My Sunflower Gallery!


This is a genuine Australian Sunflower!
Photo by: Sammie (Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia)

I thought this one was particularly beautiful
because it was growing up out of some lava rocks.
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 3-21-99

Imagine my delight when I realized that the seeds from
that sunflower created a second one a month later!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 4-27-99

This beauty triumphed over adversity by springing up in the dirt beside an
old railroad track. Two days after this picture was taken, the sunflower
was torn down by the City along with some weeds. It was almost 8 feet tall.
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 5-20-99

I spotted this beauty near my favorite restaurant on a special day.
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 6-9-99

I watched a sunflower grow in this exact same spot last year, and that put into
my mind the *seeds* for creating this gallery. I was very pleased when this
"daughter" grew. It was about 6 feet tall, and I watched it from the beginning!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 4-28-99

Exactly 1 month later I was able to get a picture of this baby sunflower...
the "grandchild" of the one that started it all. Quite a family history!!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 5-28-99

This sunflower was growing at the end of my best friend's street. Isn't it cheerful? Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 6-4-99

Growing, growing, gone! This sunflower grew to be so big that,
not only did it block out the sun in this picture, but it got so heavy
that it fell right over a few days later. TIM-BER!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 7-1-99

As if having these beauties growing in your yard isn't blessing
enough... these lucky folks had 3 seperate sunflower plants
showering them with happiness and harmony! How lucky!!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 6-5-99

Here is another view of those great sunflowers!
How'd you like to wake up and see these every morning? Wow!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 6-21-99

I just love the way these colors interact with each other!
The blues, the yellows, the greens... it's all just so perfect!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 6-21-99

"Y E L L O W ! ! !"
Really now... is there any better discription?
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 7-1-99

This is my current personal favorite.
If one sunflower "makes me happy", imagine how I feel when I see THIS!!
Photo by: Steph (Burbank, Ca) 6-21-99

Thank You For Visiting!

I hope that my Sunflower Gallery has brought you as much
happiness to view it as it brought me to "collect" them all!
Have a sunflower day!

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This page was last "messed with" on December 16, 2004 at 5:58a. EST.
©1999 - 2005 by Buckabum/S.E.M.