Miss Honey Bear

Welcome To My Place.....

Make yourself at home!

Hi, my name is Stephanie. I was born and raised in Southern California. After 30 years, however, I decided it was time for a change, and in January 2002 I relocated my family to a town in Central Florida! Since then I have made a few more moves, but local ones this time! The move across country was an exciting experience... but if I never do it again, it will be too soon! I come out here with my two children, Airik and Nikolaus, and my cat, Eerie (who is almost 14 years old). We now share a home with my fianceé Tom, and our "puppy", Peanut. We also make a home for 7 cats... 6 of which are ours. Ewan is our Maine Coon Cat. He's HUGE! Lucy is our redhead. Fuji and Kirin are the "Twinsu Ginsu" Sisters. Oy their claws! Eerie is my tuxedo cat, whom I mentioned before, and Dharma is our little girl... our Street Cat with a heart of gold... and claws of steel! We are also babysitting our friends kitten, Evie, and she fits in nicely with the others. About us: I turned 36 this year, and Tom is 37. We are planning our wedding, and it will be on August 31, 2007... which is a special date for us. Tom works at EA Games... where he "challenges everything..." lol. Airik is 16 years old and is into girls, girls, and girls. Nik is 14 years old and is in the 7th grade, where he also majors in girls... lol. Nik did a year of homeschooling back in Caliornia, and that was both fun and challenging for us all. He started back in public school when we arrived in Florida. How proud I am of them both! I enjoy photography very much, and I like to put my pictures up on these pages. I have a passion for sunflower photographs, and I spent the spring and summer months of 1999 cruising around my home town and snapping some sunflower shots. I am very pleased with the way my "Sunflower Gallery" turned out. I am always on the lookout for naturally growing "Florida Sunflowers", and if I am lucky enough to snap some pictures, I will add them to the Gallery. Tom makes it his mission in life to make me smile, and he knows how much I love sunflowers. He often comes out of the store with a bouquet of them for me! I am so lucky! Below are also some pictures & links to my family photo albums... but I am currently renovating this site, so it might be a bit "jumbled" for a while! Please email me at the link provided below, and let me know what you think of my site! I look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy!!

Don't miss It's cute!

Album One has some older pictures of the boys!

Album Two shows how sweet my Daddy is!

Nikolaus and I pretend that we are statues, too!

Please Enjoy My Sunflower Gallery... Sunflowers Make Me Happy!

My Sunflower Gallery

Thank you SO much for visiting... please come again soon!

This page was last "messed with" on April 17, 2007 at 11:24a. EDT.
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