Welcome Friends
Please let me know you were here by signing My Forest of Dreams Guestbook. In the Forest at times it gets quite lonely, and knowing that you stopped by would make this faery very flutttery!
Up here in the north, when summer is through,
The song-birds leave and the people too.
This frozen land they leave to me,
The whiskey-jack and the chick-a-dee.
Outside my cabin they pick up crumbs,
They look quite happy when i come.
We've made a pact and I'm friends, you see,
With the whiskey-jack and the chick-a-dee
I may leave camp ere' break of day
With traps to look at miles away;
I stop on the trail to boil my tea---
There's the whiskey-jack and the chick-a-dee.
There are always plenty of "fair-weather friends".
It's the ones that stick that count in the end
And the two staunch friends that stick with me
Are the whiskey-jack and the chick-a-dee.
Poem Credit
An old woodsman I met in North Ontario wrote the poem up above.
His name was Theo Peacock.
He lived in a wooden shack most of the year long.
This man was true visionary with imagery beyond belief.
Old Theo is no longer alive, but every summer I still
visit his old shack and marvel that it still stands.
Like his home that still remains intack, his presence is still to be found everywhere in...
The Forest.
The graphics on this page were made by me. Please don't take them. If you wish to use them, e-mail me and ask. I will probably say yes!