This is the dove of peace
Please take it with you and link
it back to the URL you find when you click on it.

" What a piece of work is man.
How noble in reason, how infinite in facilities.
In form and moving, how express, how admirable.
In action, how like an angel.
In apprehension, how like a God
The beauty of the World.
The paragon of animals."
from "Hamlet" by William Shakespear
The mission of the National Wildlife Federation is to educate, inspire and assist individuals and organizations of diverse cultures to conserve wildlife and other natural resources and to protect the Earth's environment in order to achieve a peaceful, equitable and sustainable future.
Our Children In Need
When the children cry, will anyone hear?
Will anyone listen, will anyone care?
When the children live in constant fear,
Is anyone watching, does anyone dare.
When the children are searching for a place to hide,
ill anyone be looking, does anyone try?
When the children are bleeding, will anyone mind?
Is anyone helping, does anyone cry.
When the children are needing a place to live,
Will anyone be trusting, does anyone give?
When the children are talking, will anyone belive?
Is anyone angry, does anyone grieve?
When the children are dying, does anyone learn?
Will anyone be aching, does anyone yearn?
When the children are in their graves, will anyone pray?
Is anyone around, does anyone stay?
What happens when all our children are gone?
Will anyone discover what went wrong?
If we don't help our children to survive,
We as a nation will surly die...............
Poem by Judy Hudson
Please meet Cassia. She has come here from Amanda's to visit and help and protect those in need. Cassia is the "Guardian of Peace and Universal Harmony"

Camelot promotes knowledge and supports awareness
of the arts for children and young people.
Visit and see what some of our younger friends have created.
Believe in Camelot support and encourage artisic awareness
in our children and young friends.
Please make sure you click on the rose of peace
before you leave maybe you will want to get your
own rose of to add to your pages.. thankyou
Forest of Dreams |
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Cassia has come here to visit from Amanda's. Click on the above logo to see The Page Guardians
Page Design by Minsky