This is a more updated picture of Bobby and me.
It was taken June of 2001.
Family updated picture...
It was taken December 25th 2002.
It seems to be getting harder and harder to get us all together at the same time... lol
This is a picture of our dog "Shadow"
Our Shaddy Pup lived with us until just a short time ago he was 15 years old and we'd had him since he was 6 weeks old.
Isn't he cute.
He will always be my little boy!
Oct 7 1989 - Apr 15 2004
This is a picture of Daisy and Me.
Daisy is my Grandpuppy and she is just beautiful.
she is all of two years old and can do no wrong in Nana's eyes.
She's smart and cute and best of all she's cuddly.. Don't you just love her.
Click on the Heart and See where it leads you.
I'll give you a hint.
He truely does hold the other half of my heart.
Visit my Littlest Angel Page
Visit my Awards Page
Well I would like to thank you for stopping by and I hope you
enjoyed what I have done so far..
I will be back soon to add more to my page. So please come again.
Before you go would you please sign the guestbook so I know
you've been here and leave me a little note letting me know what you thought of the page so far..
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Rose Of Excellence Site Award
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