If you are descended from Portuguese bloodlines, are interested in performing your own genealogical research, and don't speak any Portuguese, I can identify with you. In October of 1998, when I first took up genealogy as a hobby, I had no clue as to the inner workings of my ancestors' native tongue.
Well, there's good news and there's bad news. The bad news, fellow genealogists, is that no matter how long ago your ancestors left Portugal, you will eventually have to learn to read Portuguese. The good news is that you will only have to learn to read a very limited amount of Portuguese. Your primary source of information will be civil and/or Church birth and baptism, marriage, and death records, documents which tend to follow unoriginal, standardized formats. In other words, you will soon be able to find all the information you need -- once you get a little help to get you started.
That's where this website comes in. In it, I offer you a little help. I can't promise to answer all your questions or provide you with all the information you want and need, but I can (possibly) get you started down the right path.
So, let's get started. Lay on, MacDuff...