Vacation 1999

We visited Munising, MI - and started with a Shipwreck Tour...


BELOW:  A picture of one of the wrecks.  Notice the barrell and hatch.  Due to the temperature and purity of the water, these will be preserved in Lake Superior for up to 5,000 years.


ABOVE: Paul and I at the Shipwreck Tours dock.


The next day the boys wanted to hike on Grand Island....


Interesting Lake Superior facts from the Shipwreck Tour:

Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world, averaging 220 feet deep with some points over 1,300 feet deep (almost 1/4 mile.)

If you were to empty Lake Superior into the Grand Canyon, the water would fill the canyon to over flowing and flood the rest of the U.S.A. from coast to coast with approximately 5 feet of water.


We took a ferry to Grand Island and hiked to Trout Bay. (RIGHT)  The water was incredibly warm for Lake Superior in late July (76 degrees fahrenheit) and after a 3.5 mile hike, we were pretty warm.   So ... we swam in it.


LEFT:  We didn't see any deer, moose, bear, wolves, or even foxes, but we did see this rather interesting 2 coloured frog - and several chipmunks and red squirrels.

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Copyright 1999.  Mave M. Coxon.  All rights reserved.