
Hi! This is my marimba webpage! Most of you out there (except Andy!) know what a marimba is, but in case you don't here's Websters' definition:

ma*rim*ba (noun)

[of Bantu origin; akin to Kimbundu marimba xylophone]First appeared 1704

: a xylophone of southern Africa and Central America with resonators beneath each bar; also : a modern form of this instrument

In English - In appearance the marimba looks much like the xylophone. Marimbas tend to be bigger. The lower bars are wider than the xylophone's and the upper bars are smaller. Marimbas also have a more mellow tone than the xylophone. It has to do with the overtones (xylophones produce higher overtones and marimbas produce lower overtones). I know you really wanted to know that :) Marimbas are often played with 4 mallets instead of two, and the result is really inspiring.

This is the Musser Concert Grand Marimba. If you want to be my friend for life, you can buy me one. Actually, my dream marimba is a Kori 730A. Of course, that would only cost a little over $7,000...

Click here to go to Marimba.org's online concerts. Marimba music in Real Audio!