Olaf Bordalen from Telemarken, Vinje Norway, married Johannes Jarngruva. 
Children, Ole Oleson Bordalen, Ivar Bordalen b.1812 d. 10/19/1893, Ole Oleson Bordalin,(name also found as Olav Olavsen Jarngruva Bordalen, many variations on spelling).
Olav Olavsen Jarngruva Bordalen( a.k.a. Ole Oleson Bordalen b.3/20/1799 Telemarken ,Vinje Norway, d.1904 at 105 yrs.
married first wife Gunnhild Olavsdatter, no children, he then married his second wife,
Liv Olavsdatter b. 1791, they moved to the U.S. in 1859( Liv was Gunnhild Olavsdatter's sister),(Liv, was his brother in law's mother and the widow of Sigvald Nathianlsen, who was his brother in law's father, making Liv Olavsdatter , the grandmother of  Knud Sigvaldsens children and the mother of their cousins,(Olav's and her children.)
Olav Olavsen Jarngruva Bordalen and Liv Olavsdatter  Jarngruva Bordalen
Children,  Soren Olavsen Bordalen b.1828,
Johanna Olavsdatter Bordalen b.1831 d. 1909, Ole Olson Bordalen, Co. B. 49th Wis. died in the Civil war, fighting for the Union, he married Eliza Severson, his father Olav, received a 12 dollar a month pension, because he had been totally dependent on his son for support. 
Helgelina,(Hage)Olavsdatter Bordalen. b. 1838 d. 1917.
Johana Bordalen married EvenJohnson,( pronounced Avin), b. 1835 d.1882.  Children, Johns b.12/18/1863 d. 5/18/1911,(married Carrie Halverson). Ole  b. 10/1/1865 d. 11/23/1937, Liv b. 7/20/1867 d. 10/14/1922,(married Knut Olson), Knut b.7/8/1869 d 8/21/1930, Rachel b. 9/5/1871 d.?, (married Hans Ristvedt), Esther b. 3/4/1873 d. 1932,(Married William Forrest Clark),Severt b. 6/10/1875 d. 1/17/1949,(married Anna Olson Ward).

     Helen Ellen(Curtis)was born Aug.24,1823 at Linton, in Yorkshire,England. With her father,2 brothers and 2 sisters, she started for America on April 24,1831.
They settled near Chicago, but soon afterwards the Indian war broke out under,"Old Black Hawk, their Chieftain.  Hundreds of white settlers south of Chicago, were killed.
Helen Curtis, her father, sisters, and brothers reached Fort Dearborn safely, as did others. For nineteen days and nights they were surrounded by hundreds of Indians, who were preparing to storm the fort. When General Scott came across the lake in a steamer, with a regiment of soldiers.  They made fort on the lakeshore near Dearborn, and when the Indians saw this,they fled.  However,the soldiers pursued them to the Fox River and killed many of the Indians.
Helen Curtis married Franklin W. Clark in 1850.
Franklin W. Clark,4-29-1817 to 8-6-1884,
Helen Curtis Clark,8-24-1823 to 10-7-1893.
Their children,
Mary C. Clark born Nov.14,1853 died April 3,1874.
Ella F. Clark born June 24,1860 died 1928.
William Forrest Clark born March 25,1866 died 1934.  He married Esther Johnson, born March 4,1873 died 1932.
     Their children,Forrest J. Clark, 10-31-1897 to 1975.  Floyd Clark who married Mary Strege,
Helen Guelda Clark born 10-5-1898 died 1947.  Carla Jennette,(or possibly Coila Jenneth)who married Art Carlson, Clark 1-31-1902 to 8-1975.  Walter Odell Clark b.3/1/1904 d.4/17/1985,who married Marguerite Pearsall on Nove.23,1929 she was born 11/2/1904,
Eugene Clark, Neil clark died at 11 years old.

     Helen Guelda Clark married Otto Johnson
Children, Clark Harvard Johnson, Stanley, Edsel, Roy, Colleen,(Johnson),Hurt, Esther Ann.
Clark Harvard Johnson married Patsy Ruth Dunn
Children, Ronald Clark, Dennis Michael, Kathy Ann, Mary Ruth

Picture of Ole Bordalen, and his 100th  birthday party in1899

This information was sent to me by a relative that I never met,  the information was gathered by her and other relatives that I have not met, special thanks to Aunt Rose Clark.  I received the pictures(Ole link) as well as alot of other family information from another, "new" relative I met online special thanks to Jackie.  she has a searchable website http://www.rootsweb.com/~wijuneau/

Clark family tree


Johnson Family Tree
