My Parents
Clark Harvard Johnson and
Patsy Ruth Dunn


My fathers parents, (my grandparents)
Otto Johnson and Helen Clark

My grandfathers, brothers and sisters
Hilda (Johnson)Ormson
Hazel (Johnson)Howland
Herman Johnson
Barney Johnson
Olga B.(Bessie)Johnson
Jacob Johnson

Fathers brothers and sisters,
Stanley, Roy, Edsel, Colleen,
Jeanette, Esther

My grandfathers Parents, my great grandparents
Olaus (Quammen) Johnson and Helen Jensen

My great grandfathers(Olaus), brothers and sisters,
Minnie, Ida John and Nels and Olaus himself, were born in Norway, 3 other siblings were born in Wi, they were Barney, Clara, and Hilda

My great grandfathers parents, my great, great grandparents
Ole Quammen/Johnson and Bertha, they changed the name from Quammen to Johnson when they immigrated to America in 1880
One son,  John, kept the name Quammen

Ole Kvamen Johnson married Britha Njelsdtr
my great great  grandparents,(Britha is the daughter of Njal Eide and Lisbeth Havnebakken, she was born Apr.17,1844
Children, Henry Johnson, Inger Elizabeth Olson, John Quammen Johnson, Nils Olson Johnson, Berte Tomine Olasdatter, Bernhard johnson Kvamen, Olaus C, Johnson, children also listed as Minnie, Ida,Olaus,John Nels

Jon Tormodson Lunde Quammen married Ingrid Bjornsdtr.Berge Nov.11.1823, my great,great,great grandparents
Children, Toron Johnson,b.1825,Tormod Johnson b.3/15/1827, Gabriel Kvamen Johnson b.1829, John Lunde Johnson b.2/1/1833 d.12/1/1917,

Ole Kvamen Johnson b.8/26/1836 d.10/19/1900

Tormod Jonson Mehus married Toron Gaudesdtr Hovland my great,great,great,great grandparents, she,Toron was born in 1774 d.1851
Children, Jon Tormodson Lunde Quammen,Gaute Tormodson b.1796 d.1860,
Ssiri Tormodsdtr b.1798 d.1868, Lisbet Tormodsdtr b.1802 Johannes Tormodson b. 1804, Madli Tormodsdtr, b.1809, Tormod Tormodson, b. 1812

JonnPederson Steine married Siri Tormodsdtr, my great,great,great,great,great,grandparents
child,Tormod Jonson Mehus b.1761 d.1855

This is an effort to make this page more readable.

The names written in
"Red",are direct ancestors,  the top of the page starts with my parents, going down the page, are grand parents, great grand parents, great great grandparents and on to great great great great great  grandparents

I hope that this helps "decode" this page.

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