
On June 10, 2002, our house burned to the
ground. Luckily, I was on the road and had my ID with me. Brian lost
everything...wallet, clothing, etc. Everything you own is hard to lose,
but we have memories of the special things we lost. The hardest loss of
all was our English Pointer, Salty, who had hidden under the bed and
could not escape. Eight days later, we also lost our 12 year-old Barney
who had caught kennel cough while being boarded. We did manage to save
Ginger who had to recover from smoke inhalation. Ginger lived almost 3
months in an outdoors pen in the hot Mississippi heat while Brian and I
moved into an efficiency apartment for 7 months while our house was
being rebuilt. In August, we decided to sneak Ginger in with us. In
November, our family began to grow again when we brought a new Pointer
into our lives.
Besides all our belongings being reduced to ash and losing beloved
pets, the one thing I will always remember is the generosity of our
neighbors and people we didn't even know. The night of the fire,
neighbors took Barney and Ginger to safety and took them to our vet the
next morning. Our next door neighbor built us a temporary place to keep
Ginger while we were trying to decide where we were going to live.
Strangers stopped offering clothing, household utensils, etc. I will
always remember all of my co-workers sending Wal-Mart gift cards, and
our church pitching in to help us. You never know how good people truly
are until a tragedy like this happens.
I am going to include some pictures of the old house (burned) and some
of the pictures of our beautiful new home. I hope you will be reminded
of how truly blessed you are.

The Old

The New
