Below you will see several titles and descriptions. To select which page you would like to view,  double click on the title for that description.
Amanda (Manda) and Andrew (Drew) were born in July 1997. This is the first page I ever made. Here  you can  see how my babies are growing.
Crystal was born in January 1989. She was an only child until the twins came along when she was eight years old. This is her first page.
This is where you can get to know a little about me.
click here
Andy and I have been officially divorced since December 27, 2001.
He was deported back to the Caribbean a few years ago.
If you would like to see me as a bride and/or what the twins' father looks like, this is the place to go.
These are photos of my girlfriends in real life.
This is where I will be putting pictures of my parents, brother, aunts, uncles and maybe even some cousins...once I get around to scanning them, that is.
My Relationship Graveyard
Our Trip To The Caribeean, April 2001
1999 Christmas photos
This site was last updated, Friday, August 30, 2002
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to visit this page since February 20, 2002
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