In 1960, Jim Hammer was 17 years old, and in the 12th grade, when he was first licensed by
the Federal Communications Commission as Amateur Radio Station, KN9VQM.
He worked 26 states and three countries using a 25 watt home-brewed transmitter and a
Hallicrafters S-38D receiver.
Jim entered the U.S. Army Signal Corps in 1961, and after graduating from the Army's
Southeastern Signal School in Fort Gordon, Georgia, he was stationed in Camp Humphrey's, Korea.
He was able to operate the MARS station, HL9KO and worked many stateside hams using
the station's BC-610 and a 5kw amplifier into a rhombic on 20 meters.
In 1980, Jim was relicensed as, KA9GNW. In the succeeding years, he rapidly advanced
through Novice, Technician, General, Advanced Class licenses. Finally in 1982, Jim
earned the Extra Class call-sign of, KO9T.
Jim has written several ham related software programs for the PC under the name "EC Software",
the most popular being: "BEAMHEAD" and "CWTUTOR".
Now ham activities center primarily around 2 meters. The base station consists of a
Yaesu FT-2800M transceiver and an Icom IC-T7H handheld.