My name is Raymond W. Dicey, Jr. and I live
in NH. This site has many photos of my family and friends. At this site
you can meet my family. Casandra my wife. My three wonderful childen Alexandra,
Renee, Raymond and their spouses. You will meet my Mom, Dad, Brothers and
Sister. You will also meet my Nana who lived to be almost 105 years old
and the young ones, my grand children. Plus other things that interest me.
One of the things we all spend a great deal of time doing
in our life time is working. I have to say I've always enjoyed
going to work. If I didn't like what I was doing for a job and I had to
do it everyday...I'd find something else to do wouldn't you? At this site
you will find many pictures of the store I managed for Aubuchon Hardware
for 20 years. Some wonderful people I worked with and a great asstistant
manager. On March 1, 2000 I took a promotion to work at Aubuchon Hardware's
main office, now working with computers....can't beat that!
of the things this site is most know for in the cyber world is my tribute
pages to my favoite Rock & Roll band, Paul Revere
& the Raiders featuring Mark Lindsay. As I was growing up music
was a big part of my life. I had my own band which you will meet here. But
I have always been a BIG fan of the Raiders. Then on Oct 17, 1999 at age
44, I meet and chatted with my teen idol.
So come on in and start your adventure!
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