Ilion High School
Class of 1984 News
to the
Class of 1984
Alumni News
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Current Messages:There is now a webpage for our class on Yahoo that we can actually post items to each other. The message board has pictures from our reunion! Check it out at: Our class webpage on Yahoo.
Ken Ball
(May 13, 1998) "Outstanding site! Great job. It's so good to hear about how everyone's doing. After I found this site I felt homesick for 2 days. That's the first time I've felt like that since moving away 2 years ago. Unfortunately we have not been back since moving to Atlanta, GA in July of '96.Since graduating H.S. I went to work for PAR Microsystems almost right out of school. I traveled with them all over the country for almost years, moving to Chicago in '87 to work out of their office there. I met my wife Kathy, while on the road in Columbus, OH. She moved to Chicago with me for 1 week and I was transferred back to NY. We were married in June of '90. We now have 2 wonderful and very active boys, Dan and Evan, ages 6 and 4. I left PAR in '90 and opened up a retail hockey business at the Whitestown Community Center. I also became very serious about officiating ice hockey. I was invited in '95 to attend the CHL's refferee's training camp and made the squad. Got my first pro game under my belt then my wife's job transferred us to Atlanta, GA. We arrived less than 1 week before the Olympics started. What a wild time! The rowing events were around the corner from our apartment. For 2 weeks we had this big white blimp hovering right over our heads shooting the events. We have since built a new home in suburban Atlanta and I am working as an IT Consultant for a restaurant that is headquartered here called Chick-fil-A (sponsors of the Peach Bowl). I have also been invited to attend the referee's training camp for the Central Hockey League this upcoming season. If anyone is ever in the Atlanta area, please look us up. I look forward to hearing from everyone."
Andrea Beach
Lisa Callister
(May 23, 2001) "I am the proud mom of the newest member of my family... Riley Christine was born March 20th weighing in at 8lbs. 10oz.... she is a perfect little girl and her brother, Chase, just adores her. Life in Rochester is exciting... our latest is the closing of a major hospital at which I was once employed at... the news came one week after I delivered Riley... put a big damper on a joyous occasion!! But things worked out and I am employed again Thank God!!! Two kids and a morgage and yadda yadda yadda can be scary!! Well... the next time anyone reads this update and is interested in saying hello... feel free... Take care!! Peace... Lisa"(July 1, 1998) "Hi everyone! We finally made it home with baby boy Chase Edward Callister! He was 3 months early... he only weighed 1 lb. 12.5 oz... but now he's a whopping 4 lbs. 15 oz.!!! It has been a long road but it feels good to be in my own home with him! We live in Rochester in a bright pink house!!! he'll appreciate the feminine side of himself because of it!!! Anyway, Roberta (Bentz) Drescher lives out here too and she said to say hi! Have a great, safe summer... Write any time!!!"
Stacia Cooper
(February 13, 1998) "I work for the world's nicest architects. Our office is expanding this year so I will definitely be working for a "big firm". I am sitll single but the prospects here in the Boston area are promising. Being surrounded by the ocean here is equally as fun and I don't think I can live land locked again! Keep in touch, it is so good to hear from folks back home."
Steve Coupe
(March 10, 2004) "I moved to Chicago for a year after graduation and just couldn't stand being away from the excitement here in Ilion, so I moved back in 1985. In 1990, I married Kendra Burdick ('83) and we have two daughters, Kayleigh, born in '92, and Courtney, born in '94. We have lived in Ilion the whole time (where else is there??) and now live over on Forge Hill Drive, which is off of Brook Street for those of you who haven't been back in a few years.
Trying not to grow up, I kept going to college but I found that staying in school doesn't keep you young, it just makes you tired, so when I received my MBA from SU in 1995, I ended my academic career.
In 1997, I was elected to the Board of Education in Ilion which is a job I enjoy very much and got reelected in 2002. If you haven't been back to the high school in a few years, make sure you stop and see it when you do get back this way. In 2004 we completed a $32 million renovation and expansion project which makes it "not your father's high school" to students coming through in the future.
When I moved back from Chicago, I landed a "fill-in" job one summer at one of Carbone auto dealerships. That was 19 years ago and I am still here. Since 2000 I have been the general manager of the Harley-Davidson dealership, which is VERY fun and allows me to meet a lot of people and even stay in touch with quite a few Ilion grads. For the many of you who have moved away and are visiting the area, I would love to see any old classmates and can usually be found at the H-D store since we are open 7 days a week. Please stop in and say hi. If you can't get back this way, drop me an email."
Debbie Dempsey Tayler
Unfortunately, Debbie had some psycho sending her e-mail so we deleted her info and address... if anyone would like to pass along any news to Debbie, please send it to me and I'll forward it on. Debbie is doing super and says "hi" to everyone!
Donna DeVaul Pomerleau
(September 30, 2003) "Yep! It's official, I'm slow. Just found this site. Cool! Here's the down to the now stuff: Married for three years with three great kids, boy 17, girl 14, girl 4. Yep! 4. Had my last ten years later. What's up with that? Waiting for the answer, I'm still thinking. HeHe. I live in Florida and I'm a correctional officer. Yep. Where can I go to work every day and be me... mean... Hey, I love my job, it's a challenge every day but it's good. I do visit Ilion every now and again, I thought about moving back many times but then I remember what it was like living there as a child and I'm happy only visiting, (sorry). Anyway, life has been good to me lately and my family and I are all happy and healthy. So to all that see this, take care and stay out of trouble."
Melissa Dickenson Cook
"I just found out about this site from my mother, who I believe went ahead and registered me on her own!!! I have enjoyed catching up on all the news of my long lost classmates. As for me, I am married to Craig Cook of New Hartford, and we have been married for 6 years. We live in Rochester, NY with our two children, Craig Alexander, 4, and McKenzie, 18 months. I am a stay at home mom, and am enjoying it very much. I hope that everyone takes advantage of this site, it is a great way to keep in touch."(April 2, 1998) "We have arrived at our new home in Thomasville, North Carolina. So long New York!!!"
Shelly Disotelle
Mary Beth Earl Hartmann
(April 13, 2000) "In October I purchased a nice two-family home on Elm Street. Still working for St. Elizabeth Hospital/Mohawk Valley Heart Institute in the Cardio-Thoracic Intensive Care Unit and love it. Kyle is now 9 1/2 years old and in the 3rd grade a Barringer Road Elementary. He is very active in youth sports and is a purple belt in karate. As for what is new!!! Became engaged to Craig Hartmann, Class of '85, a month or so ago. Craig moved back from Alabama in January where he was working for a financial consulting firm. He is now back with Fleet as a Supervisorr in the Adjustments Department. A September wedding is still in the planning stages. Craig has a son as well. Steven is 9 1/2, attends Herkimer Elementary School and is also very active in youth sports. Chow for now- Mary Beth"(October 29, 2001) "Just a quick note to let you know that Craig and I welcomed a son to the family! Lucas Earl Hartmann was born September 25, 2001 and weighed 8lbs. 1 1/2oz."
Patricia Fike Oates
(July 23, 2003) "After traveling around for the past 14 years, I have finally established roots in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Married a southerner so decided to live down south. Love the area. I received my BSBA in 2000; I am working at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College as the Assistant Manager of the Bookstore. Love working for the state; I am off more than on and this gives me the chance to spend more time with my two daughters, for their years are passing by fast. My husband Ken is still in the Airforce and will retire within the next 3 years. At this moment I am playing single mom as he is deployed. Luckily I finally have family around with his parents owning a second home 5 minutes away!!! Looking forward to our 20 year reunion since I missed our 10 year because I was living in Hawaii at the time. Hope all is well with everyone and if any of ya'll want to drop me a line would love to hear from you."
Kathleen Frank Fitzgibbons
"My husband Corey found this page a while ago and I haven't had time to look at it until today. This is great!!! I have been married since February of '93 and moved to Colorado 4 days after the wedding. I have 2 children (Riley age 3 and Emma 6 months). I work for Jackson National Life Insurance Company dealing with securityies and the NASD. Presently we are in the process of building a home in the Denver area- very excited about the process!! Hope to hear from lots of people and what's new. Great site!!!"(February 26, 1998) "We closed on the house we are currently living in yesterday. Now we move to a temp house while we wait for our new house to be built. What a pain!!! Riley doesn't quite understand the process and doesn't want to move. I'm hoping once we are in and he sees all his stuff moved, it will be much easier for him."
Nancy Fusco Miles
(May 23, 2001) "On March 18, 2001, Olivia Jo Miles was born weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz. We were very happy to see her as she was 14 days late. Julia loves being a big sister (most of the time) and we are very tired (all of the time!) It's getting better each and every day. We're still here in Saratoga Springs, although that could change at a moment's notice. Hope all is well with everyone. Love reading everyone's news."(August 7, 1998) "After graduating from SUNY Albany and working a few years at GE, I went back to the College of St. Rose and earned a Master's in Special Education. I taught for 4 years at Chatham Middle School just outside of Albany until 1995. In August of that year I married Hugh Miles, who at that time wias living in the San Francisco Bay area. After the wedding we moved to Southern California and I got a job as a special ed. teacher in Brea, CA. After purchasing a home later that year, Hugh and I became addicted to home projects. We bought a new house, so there is a ton of stuff to do to make it a home. But nothing can do that quite like a baby, and so Julia Anne Miles was born February 24, 1998. I've decided to take a few years off to stay home with her. This will be the first September in 7 years that I haven't "gone back to school". life in So. California is always an adventure. There is so much to do and we enjoy just about all of it. Rollerblading at the beach, Dodger, Ducks, and Laker games, fine dining and good wine, and of course when company comes it's Disneyland. I don't get back to Ilion much anymore as my parents moved to the Lake George area. I would love to hear from you all (getting eMail is still new and exciting for me!) Keep in touch." (April 13, 1999) "My husband, Hugh, was due for a new position in GE and I knew we wouldn't be in California forever, but I never expected the course of events that began in December. Hugh was offered a job in Schenectady, NY, we listed our house, moved in temporarily with my parents, sold our house, bought a new one, and moved in all by mid-March. So here we are in Saratoga!! It's been great for our daughter. She loves seeing my parents and we love having the flexibility of family close by. The area is a lot of fun and yet still familar for me. My Email is still the same and of course the computer was one of the first things unpacked. My inbox is always open!!!"
Diana Gay DiPrimo
(July 21, 1998) "I just found the site today, and it was great to catch up with everybody! After graduating from Nyack College, I moved to the Philadelphia area and worked for seven years at Eastern College in the admissions area. In September 1995 I married Ed DiPrimo who is from Mohawk, and we moved back to the area in August 1997. We bought a house in Ilion in January 1998 (which was Steve Coupe's), and I am now working at SUNY in the Financial Aid Office."
Joanne Gressel Moynihan
(January 26, 1998) "This is great! I finally found the alumni page the other day... after being online for about a month... but let's not go there. I ahve now been married since July 1987 to David Moynihan, better known in Mohawk as "Tarz". We have an absolutely beautiful little girl named Nicole Marie. She has long blonde very curly hair with blue eyes. She is the only reason why she is an only child. She is spoiled rotten as she is the only child in the "Gressel" clan. We moved to Chesapeake, Virginia about 4 1/2 yrs ago. David works for the school system and I work for Bell Atlantic. I would love to hear from anyone. My next step with this whole computer thing is to get a picture online so that y'all (southern lingo) can see how beautiful she really is. If anyone is traveling south, look us up. Todd Leonis also lives in Va Beach, about 20 mins away. I'll have him come over and register one day. Bye for now."
Larry Hatch
(October 19, 2000) Larry's mom writes: "I was looking at the 84 homepage and saw Larry's note. Just wanted to let all know that he married a lovely girl, Marianna Eastwood, in August of 1999. They are living in Richmond, VA. He is with America-One Corporation and she is with Reynolds Aluminum. No children yet, just a big black lab named Harley!"
Scott Humphrey
(March 26, 2001) "I'd like to say hello to all the Ilion Alumni. I find it difficult to believe nearly 17 years have passed since we all went our separate ways. I find a lot of humor in the things we did back then and in the things we once thought were so important. As for me, after high school I continued on at Utica College and later to SUNY for graduate school. I've worked for the last 12 years in the computer field. It is a rapidly changing field and keeps me busy. We, my wife and 3 boys, have managed to stay local all these years even though I've spent a few years working in Syracuse.
As for the personal side, well, I'm an old married guy with 3 little boys all under the age of five. I met my wife, Carolyn, back in the spring of 1990 while working at GE. I kept running fast enough for the first 6 years of marriage so we didn't have any children, but then I must have slowed down because our first son, Brady, was born in July of 1996. Ryan followed him in October of 1998. Evan joined us in December of 2000. They are three good little boys and I have so many built-in toilet seat excuses I won't know who to blame things on. Little children are just the funniest creatures on the planet. I'm thankful for them each day. Well, except for the days they draw pictures on the walls. Oh, and the days they use the CD drive of the computer as a launching pad for Buzz Lightyear. Those days are about on par with the days they play naked Tarzan and dive from chairs towards the fireplace breaking every glass item on the mantle. Okay, I'm thankful for them most days anyway!
That is the summary of things these past 17 years. Probably the most frequent question I get asked when I see old friends from Ilion is "do you still run?" The answer is yes although the last few years have been to a lesser degree. Three children under 5 years old sort of limits some of my training time. I do manage to complete in at least 7-8 races per year. The biggest challenge each year is now to try to stay as close as possible to the times from the prior year without requiring medical attention after a race.
Having said all that, I welcome emails from all old friends. I do think of those days often and think of the many laughs we shared. I enjoy reading the updates from each of you. Take care everyone."
Dawn Jackson Robertson
Jeff Jennings
Kevin Joyce
"What a long strange trip it's been. Well, life has been very interesting. After graduation from HS I joined the Navy and spent 6 years looking for submarines and traveling around the Caribean and Mediteranian. I left the Navy in July 1990 and married Julie Cirillo from Mohawk (we dated the last 2 years of HS). I graduated from MVCC and SUNY and got a job with CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation) here at Rome Laboratory. Earlier this year I took a position with Rome Research Corporation as a Network Analyst also at Rome Labs. I am currently working on a MS in Telecommunications via a distance learning program at the University of Colorado. I have two great kids (luckily they look like their mom). Paulie is a VERY active 2 year old who is already shooting hoops and running fast breaks. Juliana is 5 months old and starting to be active like her brother."
John Kane
(July 6, 2005) "It's great to read up on everyone. I am terrible at keeping in touch. For that I apologize. A few things have happened recently. First I am now the uncle of a little boy. My brother Darren and sister-in-law Robin have a son Alexander who will be 2 in August. They live in LA and I see them quite a bit. Just in case anyone is intrested Brian is living in Cleveland and working in the restaurant business. My parents moved to Rancho Santa Margarita last October. That is about 30 miles east of where I am in Long Beach. Near Irvine. They love it here and we get to hang out quite a bit, plus they get to see their grandson.
I have been teaching at Long Beach Jordan High School for 7 years now. Hard to believe. I have also been an adjunct faculty member at Cerritos College in the Phys Ed dept the last 3 years. It is a junior college of about 26,000 students. I am also an assistant football coach there (linebackers). It's a great deal. I love it. We play in a 7,000 seat stadium and get lots of exposure for the program. On top of that I was a finalist for a full time faculty position in the Reading dept this past May. I did not get the position but they also hired me as an adjunct professor in that dept. So I will be teaching 2 classes in that division in the fall. I am hoping it leads to a full time spot soon.
I miss Ilion, and I read the OD and Telegram everyday on the net. It's neat to keep up with the news. I hope everyone is well and I send my best. GO BOMBERS!"
(March 25, 1998) "I moved to Long Beach, CA, about 2 years ago to teach Special Ed and coach football... which I do at Wilson HS in downtown Long Beach. We have about 4,000 students in our school and the district of Long Beach has about 85,000. I live a block from the ocean and love the weather. I am still single and have not met anyone to write home about yet... I miss all you HS guys and think of our days together often... I will try to get more frequent replies to Kris in the future... oh yeah... anyone who plans on visiting So. Cal... make sure you contact me... either by Email or my voice mail... (562)621-4669. Take care."(February 28, 2001) "Hello to everyone in Ilion and around the country. Hope everyone is doing well. I recently got engaged to Kim Cox from Holly Grove, Arkansas, a dance major. She is the youngest of 13 kids and a great person. I am currently teaching a high school Special Education class for kids with emotional needs. I also am the defensive coordinator for the football team at the school and the shot put coach as well. The school is David Starr Jordan in Long Beach. We have an enrollment of about 4000 kids at a school built for 1500. Last year we had the best record in football in the history of the school (65 yrs) at 8-3. The kids were great. I also continued to officiate HS basketball and was selected to the play-offs for the second year in a row, a group of 24 officials chosen from a pool of 180. I really enjoy the lifestyle of Southern California, but I miss the people of Ilion."
Kris Lennox Fahey
"Hi everyone! In 1990, I married Paul Appley and we produced the most perfect child, Josh! For those of you that attended our 10-year reunion, you heard (at the top of my beer-drinking-voice) that my marriage to Paul had ended. In 1996, I married Rob Fahey (our computer math teacher's son)! And we are now the proud parents of yet ANOTHER perfect child, Mike! Yes, I STILL live in Ilion and even STILL work at German Flatts Veterinary Clinic- my job since 11th grade! Nuff about me... send me your gossip to share with everyone and spread the news about our site!"
Todd Leonis
Tom Manion
"Just got off the phone with Jeff Slater this a.m. and he told me about this great web site! After graduating from LeMoyne College in 1988, I have played nomad living in Syracuse, NY; Houston, TX; Albany, NY; and presently in Sistersville, WV. I do have all of my teeth and did not marry a relative. Life is good here in West "By God" Virginia. My wife Patty and three stepdaughters live on the banks of the OH river and enjoy the rural lifestyle. I manage a technical temporary agency and frequently travel the east coast to various heavy industrial facilities. It's great to hear about everyone's travels and new additions."
David Marcil
Dave passed away September 6, 2001. Our sympathy goes out to his family.
From The Evening Telegram, September 6, 2001: "A 35-year-old town of Frankfort man died early this morning when the trailer he was living in burned down. The trailer, located on Comstock Road between First and Second Avenue Extension, became engulfed in flames at about 1 a.m., according to State Police in East Herkimer. The victim, David A. Marcl, was overcome by smoke and was not able to escape the structure before collapsing. State police were the first on the scene followed by the Frankfort Fire Department, which combated the fast spreading blaze and controlled the fire relatively swiftly, although the trailer was deemed a total loss. State police said that at this time the fire appears to be accidental. "They put it out rather quickly, but it was already too late," said State Trooper Vernon McCandlish. "He was not able to escape the house." McCandlish said that an initial investigation of the scene did not reveal a clear cut cause of the fire. "We don't have a cause of the fire yet. There's no sign of foul play or anything other than an accidental fire," McCandlish said this morning. McCandlish said no one else was in the trailer at the time of the blaze, adding that it was not clear if the man was sleeping at the time the fire broke out. County coroner John Day pronounced Marcil dead at the scene at 3:52 a.m. and the body was taken to St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Utica for a post-mortem examination to determine the exact cause of death. Investigators were at the scene of the blaze this morning, including a State Police Forensic Identification Unit assisted by the Herkimer County Arson Task Force."
Dave Marley
(January 6, 1998) "I just heard about the website through my parents, what a great idea. Since everyone is catching up on the last 13 years, I thought I'd do the same. This is a little off the typical success story beaten path, but I figure it was talked about by many, and the facts known by few. So here goes, this is a true story.After leaving Ilion for SUNY @ Buffalo in 1984 to start pharmacy school, I got kicked out in 1987 for partying too hard, (lots of drugs and alcohol). I tried again in 1988 only to get kicked out again, (even more drugs and alcohol). Finally in 1989 I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, and cleaned up. Believe it or not, I got back in Rx school in 1990, graduated in 1992. Moved to Rochester for a year, then to Winston-Salem, NC where I currently work as the Executive Director of the state's Impaired Pharmacist program. I also met my wife Elizabeth (also a pharmacist) in 1992, married in 1994. Right now there are no kids, but we do have 2 dogs, Maggie (AKC Dave's Sugar Magnolia), and Kipper. Elizabeth and I are currently both pursuing our Doctorates in pharmacy through UNC-Chapel Hill, and then kids to follow, we think. After living in Buffalo and Rochester for a total of 9 years, I can say I do not miss the snow, enjoy boating/water-skiing from April to october, and don't even own a snow shovel."
(July 22, 2002) "Dave and Elizabeth Marley had a baby girl, Megan Elizabeth Marley on 7/8/02. She was 7lbs. 14oz., and 22 inches long. Mother and baby are doing well. Family pictures can be viewed at Further update from 1998 is that I obtained my Doctorate degree (PharmD) in Pharmacy from UNC-Chapel Hill in May of 2000, and was credentialed as a Registered Addiction Specialist (RAS) in October 2000. I continue to serve as the Executive Director of the North Carolina Pharmacist Recovery Network, Inc., and also started my own consulting firm "So Many Roads Consulting, Inc." which specializes in providing products and services related to addiciton, pain management, and drug testing. With the new baby, we hope to be making more frequent trips back to NY to see the family."
(May 4, 2004) "Got the news about the class reunion, unfortunately my wife is due with our second child, a boy, on 7/18/04 and so travel is out of the question. Hope y'all (I've been in the south now for 10 years, and even like NASCAR) have a good time. As for an update, my wife Elizabeth and I have a 2 year old daughter Megan, and a boy Logan due in July. We took the plunge about 6 months ago and opened our own pharmacy "Marley Drug". The store is doing very well, but getting back to NY is pretty tough these days. If you are ever in NC look us up."
Bob Moynihan
(April 20, 1999) "I just got married to Lori Maxwell of Mohawk. We live in Herkimer, on North Bellinger Street. I work at Burrows in Little Falls and my wife works at Gilfords in Herkimer. I have two kids, a boy and a girl. Their names are Nicole and Corey Moynihan (6 and 7 years old). I have never left this area. I am glad they have this online web site. I sure do miss all my friends from good old school days."
Sandy Moynihan Waldron
(April 20, 1999) "What a great site. I have been missing the good-ole' days, and by having this site brings back a lot of good memories. Well, anyways, I am happily married to a guy named Craig Waldron for 4 years now and have a beautiful 2 year old little girl, who is my world. We had lived down south for about 4 years (S. Carolina) and my husband then got transferred to Asheville, NC, where we stayed for about 1 year, and then we recently moved back to New York last year, where we reside in Afton, NY. My husband works for Lockheed Martin in Johnson City as a Program Manager, while I have the luxury of being able to be a stay at home mom, which is the hardest job in the world, but loving every minute of it. I'd love to hear from some ole' classmates, (notice I didn't say "old" classmates)."
Jim Murray
(September 12, 2005) "As my wife Cathy and I get ready to celebrate our 17th anniversary this week I started getting a little nostalgic. I happened upon the website and after thinking about what we have done for the past twenty years I decided to try and sum it up. I spent ten years in the Navy after leaving college which took me through Orlando, FL, Norfolk, VA and finally Fitchburg, MA. I spent the first 6 years in Nuclear power and my last four recruiting. After bouncing around for several years we ended up in Topsham, ME and have been here for eight years now. I finally also settled down in a job after who knows how many and work for Oakhurst Dairy in Portland as a sales rep. It allows me a lot of flexibility with my time which is great because the best part of my life is our three children who keep me incredibly busy. Ryan my oldest turned 16 in May and just recently got his license. It is scary how similar he is to me (I really have a lot of pity for him). He is a junior this year and planning on joining the Air National Guard which I feel is a great decision for him. My daughter Brittany is 14 and just starting her freshman year besides boys she is playing JV and freshman soccer which takes up all our time. She also plays basketball and lacrosse. Thank god she took after her mother cause at 5’3” she has to be able to shoot unlike her father. My youngest Brady is 10 and nonstop. He is just an amazing kid. He plays about everything which takes a huge amount of our time and money! At 8 he started batboying for the high school team and got to go through the draft process as a friend was drafted number 5 overall. He gets to ride in his Mercedes and Escalade whenever he is home. Rough life for a kid.
I have rambled on too long but it has been so long since I remembered so many people from the past. I regret missing the reunion but at the time had just started with the dairy and had no time off. I am looking forward to checking the updates on here and will not let another opportunity to see everyone go by. I hope all are well and I look forward to hearing from anyone who would like to email me."
Bruce Phillips
(February 18, 2008) "I have a MySpace page at as well as my personal homepages previously shared.
I currently have 4 jobs, soon to be 3. I work f/t as a Floating Production Supervisor for Arc Oneida-Lewis. I also teach piano/voice part-time, as well as play for two Unitarian-Universalist churches as well as direct their choirs. My 4th job is a Shift Leader for Dunkin' Donuts, but have to take a little leave of absence from that for awhile to take care of my mom who suffered a massive stroke back in September of 2007 (even though, believe it or not, it's stress relief!).
My oldest son, Nathan, who is 19yo now, is a 2nd semester freshman at Nyack College pursuing a Youth Pastor degree. My middle son, Joshua, who will be 17yo in April, is a junior in high school. My youngest son, Matthew, who just turned 15yo, is a freshman in high school. Talk about feeling old!
I know that my first update may have come off as very brazen, and I sincerely apologize to everyone for that. I've carried A LOT of anger and bitterness towards most of my classmates at IHS. Most of them have been resolved, forgiven and forgotten. I realize now, being older and hopefully wiser, that ALL of us were struggling with our own selves, searching for meaning, truth, etc. I've come to realize that Truth, like Beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. One person's truth may not be the same as someone else's, but both are quite valid.
Being a 3rd degree High Wiccan Priest, who by the way is very eclectic in my spirituality, I've come to the conclusion and understanding that ALL people of ALL religions and spiritualities have something to offer one another. It is by our hate that separates us from 'God' (or however you see the Divine in Their many guises, archetypes, faces and names). Only by True Love, which is not only blind to differences but accepts complete diversity in all levels, can we move on, grow and eventually evolve to the next step of higher consciousness and spiritual insight.
Pretty soon I will be recording 2 albums of all original music. I will keep everyone updated, if anyone is interested.
Blessings to everyone, wishing everyone health, happiness and prosperity. Namaste.
(June 16, 2004) "For an update, you can post my website, which is very revealing and quite
bluntly honest.
I'm currently working at an Adminstrative Assistant/Assistant Office
Manager/Educator for the Children's Museum in Utica, but recently got hired
to work for the ARC as a Floating Production Supervisor at one of the
workshops. I'm divorced, with 3 kids not living with me; all boys, ages 15,
13, 11. They live in New Hartford with their mother and step-father.
If there are any questions, please feel free to email me. You'll find that
I'm not longer the Bible-thumper and Holy Roller that I was in high school,
nor am I the silent and timid coward. I'm more a blunt, totally honest,
verbal and not willing to take anyone's crap anymore kind of man. I don't
mean to 'sound' brazen, just being honest and up front. It took me years to
work through all the abuse of high school mockery and ignorance. It took me
years to finally admit and come to terms with the true me, and no one is
going to make me ashamed of that anymore.
Bruce Phillips"
John Putch
(January 29, 1999) "Hi Guys, it's Putchy talking to you in cyberspace. At the present time I'm working at the Arms and living in Herkimer. My wife, Pam, and I have two great kids, Shawn (6) and Erica (3). I just found this site about a month ago, and seen some people I can now e-mail. If anybody wants to e-mail me feel free to do so. Keep up the good work on the webpage guys and I'll see you later."
Eric Reed
David Remis
(February 19, 1998) "Had a little time to update the page, I check it all the time, and enjoy e-mailing people. Unlike my shipmate Kevin Joyce, I am still in the Navy, a Hospital Corpsman First Class (FMF). I ahve been living in Lansing, MI, for the past three years with my wife Karen (Ryznar) of five years, formally of Utica, and our daughter Michaela Morgan, 18 mos.. We will be moving to Albany in April as I 'm taking assignment as the Senior Medical Department Rep. at the Naval Reserve Center on Washington Ave.. Hopefully I will be promoted to Chief Petty Officer from the last exam... but we'll have to see. Hope to hear from other classmates. Keep me updated of any reunion plans. Take care and see you when I see you."(September 2, 1998) "To update my page... Karen and I live in Clifton Park, Michaela had her second birthday and is getting big. I am only 6,5 years until retirement... oh so short but oh so long."
(July 25, 2001) "I hadn't realized that it had been this long since updating the page. My 3 1/2 years in Albany is over and the Navy has moved me again. This time up north to Portland, Maine. They must like the job I'm doing as I am the Senior Medical Department Rep at this reserve center. This will be my last tour prior to retirement from the Navy. I stress the word retirement... Maybe I'll buy a lobster boat and stay here. My wife, Karen, is fine and there is still just my one daughter, Michaela; she'll be 5 in August and starts kindergarten in the fall, and is very excited... as is mom and dad... we had many oppertunities to visit Ilion while in Albany, and it was always nice to come home.. I hope the class of 1984 is well and I'd really like to hear from any of you. New e-mail: Take care and I'll see you when I see you..."
Mary Riddell Strafel
(February 19, 1998) After constant badgering, trying to get Mary to write an update of her life, she wishes me to pass on to you that "she's still cute"! And apparently has quite the personality too!
Joe Robinson
"My compliments to the site creator- great idea! I've been away from NY since 1988 and haven't spent much time there since. My wife Trish, two sons (ages 4 and 6) and I have been in SC for two years, having transferred with my current employer, Bayer Corp. This site will be a great way to keep current on fellow classmates after missing our 10th reunion!"
Tom Robinson
(October 23, 2006) Tom and Denise are welcoming their SIXTH child, Natalie Elizabeth, born October 12th!(January 25, 1998) "Greetings to fellow '84 alumni! This website is a great idea! To catch you up on where I've been... after graduating and spending 3 semesters at MVCC, I graduated from Clarkson U. in '88. I theen, and now, work for Borg-Warner Automotive as a Test Engineering Supervisor. That is where I met my wife, Denise. We built our own house a few years ago here near Ithaca, and it still isn't done! We have a doughter, Alexandra (Allie), 4, and a son, Matthew, 7 months. We enjoy boating in the Finger Lakes during the two nice weeks in Upstate NY! I dug out the '63 MGB from 10 years in moth balls this winter, with new paint and a lot of luck it might be running this summer. I would like to hear from fellow classmates!" (March 27, 1998) "The only update is that we are expecting again! Denise is due in early October. That will make number three!" (November 21, 1998) "Just to let you know we had a third child, Christopher Joseph Robinson, born October 7, 1998- yes, just 16 months younger than his brother, Matt! All are doing very well." (November 4, 2001) "Denise & I are the proud parents of Maria Joan Robinson, born September 26, 2001. She joins Allie (8), and brothers Matt (4) & Chris (3)- all are healthy & doing well! I am still with BorgWarner, and after 12 years in testing, am now an Engineering Manager in Product Design- we design engine timing drives for auto manufacturers domestically and globally- so unfortunately for my family, I have had to travel to Japan & Europe a lot over the the last year. My company is doing well, which we are thankful for. We do a lot of camping during the summer around New York State, which the kids love! Hope all is well with my classmates- drop me an email!"
(May 9, 2004) "Our fifth addition to the family is Hannah Teresa Robinson, born May 6, 2004, weighing in at 9 lbs. 12 oz. She joins the rest of the family who has anxiously been waiting for her to be born, and has two brothers and two sisters who are eager to help! All are doing well. We look forward to seeing everyone this summer at the reunion... drop us a note!"
Ron Russell
Jeff Slater
(January 10, 2002) "Happy New Year to everyone. All is well with the Slater clan. My investment management firm is surviving and the experience is great. Luke is 4, and is in his second year of pre-school. Patrick is 2 1/2, and he is in his first year. I occasionally post new pics of them on their website. Feel free to stop by. Hopefully more little guys will follow. Kay and I saw Tom Manion at the Syracuse/Boston College football game over Thanksgiving in Syracuse. We tailgated for a few hours beforehand, and enjoyed many adult beverages. Tom's doing great. We live just south of Boston, in a town called Cohasset, so if you ever make it out here, let's tip a pint."Everyone is invited to visit Jeff's family at The Slater Family's Website.
Doug Stafford
(November 19, 1998) "I am married to Pamela Sloan from Utica (8/12/89). We have a daughter, Amanda, who is in Mrs. Gallagher's second grade class at Barringer Road School. I graduated from HCCC and SUNY Utica and I am a Tax Auditor for NYS. See ya 'round."
John Stephens
John is a firefighter for the city of Little Falls.
Fred Supry, Jr.
Fred passed away in 1997.
Susie Torres
(March 16, 2000) "Seen the site, thought it was great. Just wanted to say "hi" to everyone. Since graduating, I moved to NYC and then returned. Met Joseph Tedesco and we had a son, Antoni Joseph Tedesco, who is 13 and a student at IHS. His father & I are great friends but didn't stay together because of religious differences... I'm Catholic and he's Satan... (only joking). I'm currently and have been dating Laurence Sardina from Utica for the past 3 years. He currently works in NYC & lives in New Jersey so that's where I am almost every other weekend. I live in Ilion still. I worked as an International Aircraft Marketing Researcher, mostly with South America... cool job. I did it for 9 years. I then decided to open a business from home called Susie's Luxuries in which I do bookkeeping/customer service for Internet company. Hey, it pays more then the Aircraft job... and it's great working from home! I still keep in touch with Miki, Jeanine & Janey... but lost track of a lot of people. Well, I'll keep you posted on things. E-mail me anytime."
Tammy Travis-Hendrick
(November 20, 1998) "I have now been married for close to 14 years. Paul and I have 3 wonderful children, Kristell 13, Paul 9, and Lindsay 6. We moved back to Ilion abut 1 year ago. We spent 4 years in Venice, Florida. I am a registered nurse, and spent the last 10 years of my career as a labor and delivery nurse (assisting all of our wonderful children into this wonderful world). After 10 years of screaming women, I found I needed a career change. I now am a surgical nurse (patients sleep). Ha! Ha! It's great to read about everyone. Stay in touch."
John Trepatschko
(May 12, 2004) "After graduating from HCCC, I went on to SUNY Binghamton and received my BS in Mechanical Engineering. I then went on to SUNY Buffalo for a Masters. I ended getting a job with the Department of Defense (US Naval Sea Systems Command) in Washington DC. I am the Senior Design Manager ofr Navy Nuclear Propulsion. We design/develop the main engines for Navy Nuclear Aircraft Carriers and Submarines. Very interesting and challenging job. I will have 15 years on the job this coming September. I have a beautiful wife, Nina, and three kids (2 boys, 1 girl): Christopher,12; Nathaniel, 10; and Miriam, 8."
Roy Waldron
(February 9, 2001)"Anyone curious about my family is welcome to come to my family website. It has a current picture of us and some things about us. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Waldron."
Cindy Werthman
Cindy passed away April 17, 2001. She leaves one son, Matthew.
Wendy White
(May 15, 2000) "I was absolutly shocked to actually see the names of all of my classmates and to read what they are all doing these days. I am a mother of two girls, Jessica Danielle Boyett and Crystal Lynn Boyett. I am on SSI and right now I am a stay at home mom and I spend most of my time watching other kids as well as my own. I was diagnosed in 1989 with clinical depression and anxiety. I am hoping to get into the workforce soon with the help of vesid. When I'm not busy watching kids I love to spend my time exercising by doing aerobics 4 times a week and muscle toning every other day but what I enjoy the most is doing all kinds of things with my children."
Debbie Wright Ryan
(October 12, 1999) "This was a lot of fun to find. Where to begin...
After graduating from SUNY Potsdam, I landed a marketing and pr job for an architectural firm in Boston (does DiMella & Shaffer ring a bell, Stacia?) I married Bill Ryan in 1990. It's been nine blissful years. We moved to New Haven, Ct. for a year while Bill clerked for a federal appeals judge. When the clerkship ended in 1992, we made the big move west to Chicago. It's definitely my kind of town. I worked like a dog as a marketing writer for Deloitte & Touche until our son James Connors was born in 1996. I "retired" from my stressful, deadline oriented job to stay at home. It was a big adjustment at first but I liked it enough that we had William Curtis "Liam" in 1997 and Gwynna Rose four months ago! I hardly ever get back to Ilion as my parents moved to Delaware a couple of years ago. I'd love to hear from any of you. Til next time."
Beth Zutter
(May 20, 2001) "Not much has changed in my career field, still a cop after 8 years and thinking about a change after Kayla graduates from High School. Kayla has about completed her freshman year and is still holding that B Honor Roll status. For you that remember when Kayla was born, she turns 16 this year and she is the joy of my life. Boy doesn't that make some of us feel old??? Kayla decided to try out for cheerleading in her high school here and made JV. She was really excited and the grin she had on her face that day was priceless. Kayla is doing me the honors and is going to stand up as my maid of honor when I marry a wonderful man on 11-03-01. His name is Roger Hartt and I've known him for years and we were good friends, well we went from good friends, to best friends and we decided to be each other's life's partner. It's kind of weird, I get an accident to work and Roger gets to tow the wreck away. He is a manaager of a large tow company here in Punta Gorda, but he also works towing anything you need towed. We have towed some weird things, planes, buses, rolled over tractor trailers, had to stand a sick horse up or she would have died. Bet you didn't know how many weird things a tow truck could be used for. Of course neither did I until I started dating Roger and I never get amazed anymore when we get those strange calls. Of course on our wedding day, our family will grow by 2 more, Roger has two boys, RJ who is 7 and Austin who is 6 and of course Kayla now has someone to fight with. If all goes well, Roger and I are talking aobut buying our own tractor trailer and seeing the world. If that ever happens, I'll let you all know. Hope to be home for our 20 year, so someone please let me know what's what, not like our 10 years when eeryone said they didn't know where I was. My brother Rob never moved out of Ilion and works for the Ilion Fire Department so get in touch with me. I would like to see all my old classmates and catch up on the past... Take care and you all stay safe... Beth"(February 13, 1999) "My brother showed this site to me one night while working, signed on really quick, but got a call and had to jet. I've been in Florida 10 years in Oct. It seems like yesterday when I had married Greg Jones and had my daughter, Kayla, a year later. Life sure has changed, it's been a hard road for Kayla and I but we made it. Divorced Greg in 1993, joined the Charlotte County Sheriff's office Feb. 1993. Six years later, I'm looking at being a Road Patrol Cpt. Yeah for all of you that don't believe it I'm a COP and love every minute of it. Hope to hear from some of my classmates and others I knew while living there. We will be home in Dec. 1999, hope to run into some of you... Later" (May 22, 1999) "On March 1, 1999, my wonderful daughter and I were watching the Montel Williams show and the show contained daughters that were finging their mother's first loves. I asked her jokingly to find the only man that ever meant the world to me. So that Wednesday while I was on the computer, Kayla came over and did that kid computer wizard thing. I typed Brian's name into the computer and there he was. I wrote all the info down and walked away from the computer, leaving the paper behind. Kayla, the quiet, shy thing that she is, picked up the phone and called him. We talked for hours and like all of you, he too couldn't believe I was a cop. So the following weekend he came to Port Charlotte to visit. I was told a long time ago that life revolves in a full circle. I am living proof that it really does. Who ever thought that Brian Entwistle lived in Panama City, Florida, only 8 hours from me. I've looked and looked, but I look no more. He now lives with Kayla and I in Port Charlotte. A big adjustment for all of us, but so much fun... So for you that don't think life revolves in a full circle, it does, and I'll update again if I have any new news. For you that know Kayla, she will be home this summer, but no one will probably know who she is. 14 is crawling on her back door, life sure goes fast. Until next time, all take care. If anyone is ever in Florida, the offer still stands to call or stop in... our door is always open. Later."
Please email Kris Lennox Fahey ,, all of your class news updates!Updated February 18, 2008