
January 23, 1985
1985! We celebrated our 7th Anniversary this year and Shelley is FOUR! She signs her artwork these days...SH...SH...SH...everywhere! She’s growing up right before our eyes! I guess all kids have a way of doing that! Mugsy is growing too! Although perhaps I should say she’s developing because she isn’t growing very fast at all. She’s our little shorty! Takes after Wayne (he says- he was always the shrimp!) We’ve been spending a lot of time at the park lately. Mugsy’s favorite - the swings and Shelley’s the ‘twirly slide’ A corkscrew type affair that looks much too big for my baby - and yet they both love it! In fact, the BIG kick they get is coming down together side by side. It’s really cute! oh Yeah! Meanwhile, the twins and I are fending off the curious...we spread out our quilt fling out the toys and they go crazy! Ruthy is walking everywhere...that stiff legged, bent elbow gait that newly walking babies have. Martha is catching up quickly. Actually, Ruthy took her first unassisted steps up in Sacramento on Dec 27. 1 yr, 1 month, and 1 day old. We were visiting at Jim and Bev Erickson’s home, showing off Ed Wilson’s granddaughters! Jim commented on how much ‘that Ruth looks like her Grandpa” She turned from the coffee table and walked halfway to Bev, about 8 steps, turned and took 6 more steps to Wayne. Martha is just now taking those crucial few steps between sofa and table or from table to me or Wayne. It’s all growth! Speaking of growing - I’m now stretching my mind! Or as I said to someone, being creative without making babies. I’m the new editor of the Tele-Twin News! It was pretty awful. I offered to help and they GAVE it to me! My first issue came out about a week ago. It really looks good. And if I don’t say it, who will? Actually, everyone is! heh heh heh!!! I’m throwing in a poem that I want to keep and use in a future newsletter. To whit:
	The heaven’s were excited,
	Statistics were just right,
	“Gather round,” the wisest  Angel said,
	“God’s making twins tonight!”	
	It’s quite a marvelous process
	as anybody knows,
	Two separate souls begin their lives 
	As His love just overflows.
	Perhaps He’ll make them just alike,
	Or as different as can be.
	But that’s the way He wants it,
	He’s planned it that way you see.
	He must then find a loving Mom,
	and a very special Dad.
	For twins take special parents
	and the best just must be had!
	So your joy is mighty special,
	I’m sure you know that’s true!
	God knew you’d be those parents,
	And so He’s sent you two!

February 4, 1985
The girls and I were on our own Saturday 2/2 wayne had Guard. We drove into Ontario and got gas and as we were heading back on 15 I noticed how close the snow looked. So we kept going! Drove just a little ways past Devore, pulled off onto a frontage road and let Shelley and Mugsy out to “TOUCH THE SNOW” What a BIG DEAL! They LOVED it! And there was so little there! We were on a plowed road so all there was , was a little pile off to the side and some very wet pavement where it all was melting. But what do they know??! I had a trash bag in the back and scooped some snow into it. We took it home, dumped it onto the back patio and they played for almost 3 hours with “their snow” I got some good photos (I hope!) Martha and Ruthy had to be satisfied to merely be observers this time. Next time we’ll be better prepared and perhaps even Daddy can come. Meanwhile this was a red letter (or white letter!) day. The day Shelley and Mugsy (as she says) “touch-ted” SNOW!

April 14, 1985
Mugsy is 3 now - so she won’t “be afraid of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny anymore” and if we go to the park “when you say go, we won’t fuss!” sure sure! Ruthy climbed out of the crib on Saturday (the 7th) the drop must have scared her because she hasn’t tried it again. Thank goodness! that was an extra concern that I really didn’t need! Mugsy is diaperless at naptime now. And she’d like to be at bedtime also, but hasn’t exhibited the necessary control yet. Soon though no doubt! My fourth newsletter will hit the PO tomorrow,in fact I should be addressing them now. Mike has been extremely helpful critiquing the last two. He hasn’t seen April yet, but his March suggestions really helped April look better. As we agree though, the membership is so blown away already anything I do in the way of refinement will go over most of their heads. But it’s a learning experience for me. I want to keep growing and this is an excellent way. Besides, I love doing it (so far!) who knows when burnout will hit?!

April 19, 1985
Papa’s birthday tomorrow.

I broke down and went to the doctor today. A GP Thawat Eosukal - he’s from Thailand and a good friend of Chaiyavet’s. I’m so used to Chaiyavet that Eosukal was no problem to understand. He checked my ears, lungs, eyes and throat. Peering into my throat he said “Hmm you have acute pharyngitis.” I said, “thank you but what’s wrong with my throat?” He didn’t get the joke. Ah well! He prescribed an antibiotic and Dimetapp - so hopefully I’ll be feeling better soon. That’s what’s important.

May 2, 1985
I’ve been reading back over some of this stuff. I’m so very grateful that I managed to keep even as sporadic a record as this. They all grow so fast. There are things I don’t remember until I reread this book.

May 18, 1985
We’ve been killing crickets everywhere again. They’re coming on Tuesday to spray. So live it up you guys - you don’t have long! Speaking of which...I killed one in the kitchen and not considering possible consequences, dropped the carcass into the toilet. At 3 am Shelley woke up (and woke me up) because she had to go potty. She sat there all squinty eyed against the light, wiped and got down, turned to throw the paper in and spotted the critter - her eyes went WIDE and she said “Mom, Mom, Mom!!! there was a cricket in my bottom!! very panicky, very upset, luckily not too loud! I reassured her and put her back to bed.

May 27, 1985
Memorial Day. We spent the afternoon at Doug and Sharon Ingle’s house...not a real big deal - they have to be the most low-key people we know! Nice visiting though. The twins are 18 months old as of yesterday. Ruthy struts around with her arms folded and now Marthy is copying the pose too. They’re so funny. Still no talking - beyond Ruthy’s WOW and BAAAY-BEEEE and Marthy’s “hmmmm” sound.