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January 4, 1983 Nothing like stopping mid-thought! Christmas Day went smoothly. Mom and Foy, Mary and Joe, and the four of us. I did things up right with good china, crystal and Christmas linens. The turkey was a tad on the dry side, but since that always how mom’s turn out I doubt if she noticed. The girls got some really lovely gifts. Thank goodness all appropriate to their ages and abilities! Last Wednesday, the 29th we drove up to Sacramento to Continue our Christmas celebration. That too was wonderful..Michelle got (among other things) a Jack in the Box or as she calls him *weasel*. Ruthie was showing off Shelley’s prowess with family names to Mark, her current flame, when she got to him, Ruthie said ...Michelle who’s this? and Michelle’s response *MR. WEASEL*! And the way things seem - Uncle Weasel! How funny! Compassion: A wedding of mercy, sympathy and fellow feeling. February 1, 1983 Ah blessed silence! Daddy and the girls are abed. I have a letter to finish to mom. March 10, 1983 Well, I don’t remember why February 1 stopped so abruptly - probably one of the girls wasn’t as abed as I’d hoped! Mugsy had an appt today with Chaiyavet - for her last shot (DPT) and oral polio. He discovered that the fluid is building up in her ears again. Drat! I dope this doesn’t mean she’s going to have to have those tubes in her ears - it does appear that we’re going to have to be vigilant with her however. Rats! Mugsy’s first tooth, a bottom front right broke through on March 1. And she’s waving bye-bye now. Well as long as I’m bragging on Mugsy I’ll add that she’s been standing alone on very wobbly legs now for the last three weeks or so. Chaiyavet said I could start weaning her anytime. My baby is growing! Shelley is telling jokes! okay! okay! A joke - what does a little birdie say? peep peep peep......what does a BIG birdie say? Here kitty kitty kitty!! I love it! and I love them both! April 21, 1983 First, Margaret is a walking fiend now - she’s still wobbling slightly - tends to head sideways ( or crab it as Wayne the pilot would say!) But she’s definitely walking! Second and just as important. We had a positive result on a pregnancy test yesterday! Baby #3 should make an appearance sometime the end of this year. Just for the record: Dr. Bhatt $1500.00 Hospital 4022.00 Chaiyavet 110.00 Yeeks! Luckily insurance is good for the majority of these bills but still! As I told the girl who gave me the result...I’m happy but it’s happiness tempered by knowledge! I KNOW what another baby will mean, time wise, financially, and even emotionally! Anyway, let’s hear it for babies! YAY! Actually I think I’m still a little numb. The reality won’t hit till I see a sonar and hear the heart beats! And/or I start growing! May 1, 1983 The pregnancy is still kind of unreal.. I don’t feel any movement yet and since I don’t go to the doctor for another three weeks or so I haven’t heard a heartbeat or seen him/her on a sonogram. I’m really looking forward to that! Ruthy called a few evenings ago to say that she and Mark are now officially engaged. The asked for and got, Mom’s blessing. So it’s all set - tentatively - for March 1984. It’ll go by so fast!! She didn’t really believe me what I said that, but it’s true - look at the girls!! Shelley might get to be a flower girl depending on her control at 3 yrs and 2 months. We’ll see! I would hate for a out of control toddler to ruin the wedding. Not that she gets out of control all that often. It’s just that kids never seem to co-operate when you need the co-operation the most! No shit Sherlock!! I just realized it’s taken four years to fill this book halfway! More proof that time really does fly! |