September Moose Hunt
Listen to Garrity tell the story

The Good Moose Hunt By Garrity Fabich Age 6 Sept. 24, 2001 

 Me and my daddy woke up in our tent. I got my overalls on quickly. We went to our tree stand. We had no breakfast.

When we got to the tree stand, daddy tied me up and pulled me up into the tree about twenty feet. It is so high! When I first had gone up there, I was scared to look over the edge. This time I wasn't scared a bit!

 He told me to look in the meadow right when I got up there just in case there was a moose near by. There was not, but when daddy got up there he called and heard a bull moose. He could tell that the bull was coming. He called again. Daddy spotted the moose at the end of the meadow. He pointed him out to me. I could see something that looked like a toy with two colors on it; brown and white. His antlers were white and his body was brown. I was very excited because I had never seen a moose so big and I had my Chipmunk .22 gun so I could shoot him! Daddy called again, the moose came closer, then went into the trees a little bit. He was mad and scraping the bark off trees with his antlers. We could hear branches breaking. He came out, coming our way and did the same thing with the branches two more times.

I had my Chipmunk loaded and ready. Daddy said, "Any time now."

 I shot. The moose just stood there. Then daddy shot and shot and shot. The moose ran and daddy got his last shot and the moose fell down. I was feeling so excited! I bet daddy was feeling like this was the specialist moose kill he had ever experienced. He said, " Congratulations son!" and acted kinda funny.

 He let me down on the rope. I got untied then he let down his pack and all the stuff that was up there. We headed to the moose, When we got there, daddy got out his knife and cut his neck. The way the skin was made the blood look like a waterfall of blood. Then he cut down to his belly and took out the guts. It looked horrible! …but it did not stink. I love the smell of the moose. It's one of my favorite smells. My momma and sister don't like the smell a bit, but I love it!

 When daddy was skinning it, I got a shot toward two crows to scare them. The second time I shot, Daddy said, "I think you put a scare on them!"

Then we were ready to go back home and get the girls and momma so we could pack out the moose together.

This was almost the goodest day that I have ever had in my life.
