Pigeon Topics

The Mechanics of Bird Flight.
Slow flight in pigeons.
Rating Informative
Analysis of Slow flight in Birds with slow motion of a complete wing stroke.
Normal flight in birds.
Rating Informative
Analysis of Level flight in Birds at different speeds with slow motion of a complete wing stroke.

Wings Compared.
Rating Informative
Bones and feathers of the wing.
Flapping Flight.
Rating Informative
The forces Lift, Thrust, and Drag on the wing.
Bird Flight.
Rating Informative
The muscels of flight; the pectoralis and supracoracoideus.
How birds fly.
Rating Advanced
Flapping, Twisting, and Folding of wings in flight
Modelling flapping flight.
Rating Advanced
Vortexes - the disturbance in the air caused by a birds flight.
Rating Difficult
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"To investigate how birds that differ in morphology change their wing and body movements while flying at a range of speeds."  This final artical attempt to tie every thing together, vortexes, wing strokes at different speeds. etc. 

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