flight in pigeons. Rating Informative Analysis of Slow flight in Birds with slow motion of a complete wing stroke. |
flight in birds. Rating Informative Analysis of Level flight in Birds at different speeds with slow motion of a complete wing stroke. |
Wings Compared. Rating Informative Bones and feathers of the wing. |
Flapping Flight. Rating Informative The forces Lift, Thrust, and Drag on the wing. |
Bird Flight. Rating Informative The muscels of flight; the pectoralis and supracoracoideus. |
birds fly. Rating Advanced Flapping, Twisting, and Folding of wings in flight |
flapping flight. Rating Advanced Vortexes - the disturbance in the air caused by a birds flight. |
Rating Difficult
"To investigate how birds that differ in morphology
change their wing and body movements while flying at a range of
speeds." This final artical attempt to tie every thing together,
vortexes, wing strokes at different speeds. etc. This is a large download. Allow 60 seconds with a 56K connection. |