Archbishop and Primate
Welcome to Christ's Apostolic Old Catholic Church of the Americas, the Polish Old Catholic Rite of North America, and Christ Our Savior Old Catholic Cathedral Church. We are most pleased that you have chosen to acquaint yourself with us.
We are a rapidly growing valid Christian Catholic community founded on a steadfast devotion to the Sacred Scripture and early Apostolic Tradition. We believe that we are not on this earth to judge, but rather to be judged. Our principle goal is to worship the Triune God and evangelize His truths so that all can joyfully welcome Christ into their hearts.
You are most cordially invited to worship with us. Masses and prayer intentions are offered each day. You can communicate your intentions by e-mailing us at hisgracegjd@hotmail.com
You can access additional information about the origins of our church and our Statement of Principles on our Old Catholic History and
Statement of Principles links.
On November 21, 1998, I humbly accepted the call to the Ecclesiastical Rank of bishop in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Most Reverend Ronald D. Nowlan, D.D., S.T.D., Archbishop and Primate of Christ's Apostolic Church of North America presided as the Principal Consecrator. The Most Reverend Irwin R. Young, Jr., Ph.D., Bishop of the Midwest Diocese and Vicar General of Christ's Apostolic Church of North America served as Co-Consecrator. Following my consecration, I was installed as Head of the Polish Old Catholic Rite of North America which has subsequently led to the formation of Christ's Apostolic Old Catholic Church of the Americas.

(Left)Archbishop Nowlan laying his hands on Bishop-elect George.
(Right)Archbishop Young laying his hands on Bishop-elect George.

(Left)Blessing and anointing of the newly consecrated bishop.
(Right)Bishop George being invested with his mitre, ring, crozier and pectoral cross.
Bishop George and Reverend Linda preparing to read the Last Gospel at the conclusion of the consecration Liturgy.
With all sincerity and profound humility, the Call to the Holy Priesthood has been a conscious awareness on my part from early childhood. My first candid discussion regarding this awareness occurred with my parents when I was about six or seven years of age. As I reflect on that period of my life, I can readily recall experiences of immense comfort and contentment "being in God's house" as a youngster.
My understanding of the priestly life is, to some extent, related to my historical experiences. From a theological and pedigogic perspective, the Sacrament of Holy Orders is undoubtedly a special sharing in the universal dimensions of the mission that Christ entrusted to the Apostles. Christ's legacy to His Church consists of not only His teachings, the Sacraments and the regeneration of man by the grace wrought through His death and resurrection but also His holy example. As God incarnate, He lived in the most human way possible in the space and time of His historical experience. It is my contention that to be a "good" and "effective" priest, one needs an intellectual and spiritual grounding in the Truths, and an effective appreciation of Jesus the Person, His behavior and His source of motivation. This can only be accomplished by cultivating a deep personal relationship with Him. He is the unsurpassed ideal and model.
Throughout His earthly ministry, Christ, in word and deed, continually manifested a life of fervent prayer and emphasized an unconditional submission to the Father in all things. He unceasingly proclaimed life in accordance with the "reign of God", the essence of which is captured in the Sermon on the Mount. Christ also ministered in a living way to the needy, sick, and the disinherited. These traits and ensuing behaviors, I believe, are the foundation and the tools essential for a successful priestly life. Preaching and teaching the Word are vital priestly functions. However, they receive their strength from faith, openness to the Holy Spirit, and hope in God's love. These are nurtured by a life of personal prayer, reflection and piety. The preaching of the Word and the celebration of the Eucharist becomes ever meaningful to the observer when these occur against the gestalt of a loving lifestyle. Such an experience, in turn, becomes a significant catechetical tool, as it serves to constantly lead others from the visible to the invisible, from the understanding to the mysterious.
Christ Our Savior Old Catholic Cathedral Parish Center is currently located at 1305 S. Mission Rd., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. The facilities include a reception area, several private Christian Counseling suites, the Parish Center business office and a Chapel.
Left:An exterior view of Christ Our Savior Catholic Parish Center.
Right: One of the Center Counseling Suites.
Left: Reverend Linda busy overseeing the operations of the Center Business Office.
Right: A view of the Sanctuary in the Parish Center Chapel.
A view of the Chapel Main Altar. For additional photographs of the Parish Center Chapel and grounds we invite you to check Parish Center Growth.
A view of Bishop George's private altar. This altar is dedicated to Our Lady of Czestochowa.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered at the Parish Center Chapel each Saturday at Noon. Sunday Mass is offered at 9:30 AM during the summer months (June through August) and at 11:00 AM from September through May. Seasonal Liturgical and Devotional services are scheduled throughout the Church year.
The administration and reception of the Holy Sacraments can be arranged by contacting the Parish Center at any time.
Beginning, intermediate and advanced Bible study groups form on a regular basis. All those interested are invited to contact the Parish Center for details.
Counseling and therapy services with a Biblical foundation are provided in the Parish Center Counseling Offices by appointment. These services can be accessed by referral or direct contact.
The Parish Center sponsors several outreach ministries and special annual events.
The Paraclete, a bi-monthly Ecumenical Religious Journal is the official publication of Christ's Apostolic Old Catholic Church of the Americas and the Polish Old Catholic Rite of North America. This journal presents and accepts reactions and scholarly contributions on all facets of Christian living.
Christ Our Savior Theological Seminary on the premises of the Cathedral Parish Center accepts qualified applicants for study to the Deaconate and Holy Priesthood in the Old Catholic Church.
The Parish Center publishing house provides various worship aids printed in the English and Polish languages.
Christ's Apostolic Old Catholic Church of the Americas and the Polish Old Catholic Rite of North America invites and welcomes all inquiries about potential affiliation and incardination.
CHRIST OUR SAVIOR OLD CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL PARISH, 1305 S. Mission Rd., PO Box 373, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, 48804-0373; (989) 772-2567.
Phoenix, Arizona
Melbourne, Florida
Alma, Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Pinconning, Michigan
Troy, Michigan
Albany, New York
Rome, New York
A network of pastors and chaplains all of whom have undergone specific critical incident stress management and spiritual crisis intervention training.
CHRIST OUR SAVIOR RETREAT CENTER Programs dedicated to the Spiritual Renewal of individuals, couples and families.
This nonprofit foundation has been chartered by Christ's Apostolic Old Catholic Church of the Americas. Its mission is to provide access to counseling, suitable educational programs and support to individuals regardless of age, sex, or religious affiliation. This foundation, in particular, targets the working poor, as well as those who have limited to no health care coverage. The foundation in committed to nurturing family values and supporting the integrity and independence of family units. The foundation is currently investigating the potential of providing additional services consistent with its mission to serve the working poor. As approved by the Board of Directors, services will target assisting qualified individuals with food and appropriate financial and educational supports to achieve and maintain the integrity and independence of families. The foundation holds 501 (c) (3) status with the Internal Revenue Service. Tax deductable charitable contributions are accepted from individuals and corporations. Contributions can be sent to: C.O.S. Community Outreach Services Inc., P.O. Box 373, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48804-0373.
We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a Concord of Intercommunion with the The Church of the Culdees, located in Springfield, Oregon and shepherded by The Most Reverend Ivan B. D. MacKillop, OCC.
Visit our Celtic Rite Paruchia (diocese)The Church of the Culdees
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