<BGSOUND SRC="/cindersue65/AmericaMedley2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
to my Home in the Heartland
My name is Cindy and I live and work in West Plains, Missouri, in the heart of the beautiful Ozark Mountains. Come visit and learn about me and the place I call home.
These are a few of my favorite things...
Genealogy:  I started tracing my family tree 19 years ago. It has become somewhat of an obsession.
Cats:  Lots of cats.  From my house cat, Poozer to the herd of outdoor cats.  Meet my feline friends.
Gardening:  Visit here to learn about another of my obsessions, dirt.
My Hometown:  Check out the links in this area to learn more about the place I call home.
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Send me e-mail at cinder224@townsqr.com