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see TJ's New Book

Family History:
Rollin/Roland Collins
Carl/Coyle Lee Haynes
Josephine Fisher Collins
Lucinda Goff Haynes
Updated July 2007:
Gone On Home
Some Background
1999 ReUnion
1999 Photos
2001 Reunion
2001 Photos
2003 Reunion
San Diego Scenes
2005 Reunion
2005 Photos
2007 Reunion
2007 Photos
Treasured Memories
2004 Grads:
Noli Sutton
Charles Mullen, Jr
Article re:Charlie
To Auburn U
Samantha Sanchez
Shanelle Lorenzo
2003 SD Fire-Storm
Home House 2004


View Guestbook

T.J.Welcome to the CHFG Family Web Page. My name is T.J. Johnson. I am the daughter of Cavitt Campbell Haynes (go to Haynes section) & Philisita Collins Haynes (go to Collins section). Compiled here is a wealth of information designed to help our family learn more of who we are and where we've come from.

Lots of people asked how the reunion got its name. The story is about 12 years long. The name was adopted according to where I started when I began looking for information about my immediate family. This naturally was my mother (Philistia--Lissie--Collins) and my father (Cavitt--Bully--Haynes).

Collins is also the maiden name of Pearl, Viola, Mary, & Velva Lee Jr's mother, (Ressie Lee Collins).   Haynes is also their fathers' name, (Velva Lee--Cap--Haynes).   Fisher is the maiden name of our mothers' mother. Goff is the maiden name of our fathers' mother. That is how the ReUnion of the Collins-Haynes-Fisher-Goff (C-H-F-G) Families began.

In case you haven't guessed, the Ressie-Cap offspring and the Lissie-Bully offspring are double first cousins. Our mothers were sisters who married two brothers. During my research, I discovered another set of sisters who married brothers; my father's mother (Lucinda Goff) (go to Goff pages) and her sister (Evie Goff) married two Haynes brothers. Lucinda married Coyle(or Carl--I've seen it spelled both ways) Lee Haynes and Evie married Frank Haynes.

Many intriguing hours have been poured into this collection of information. I hope you enjoy browsing these pages. And I hope you will help me out by sending information about yourself. I'm particularly interested in old family stories told to you by your parents. My mother and dad didn't talk much about their childhood nor about their parents. So, if you know some history, or even some funny stories, please tell me about them or write them down and plan to present them at our next Family ReUnion. If you don't plan to attend, send your information to me and I'll make sure it get's into our reunion program and this Web Site.

Another thing we're planning to have sometime in the future is a family tree. Will you please outline your family tree (including mother, father, grandparents along with your children, sisters, brothers) and send it to me. If you have extended family, please list them as such so that we can have the bloodline for historical references. I'll be forever grateful.

Reunion held in:
San Antonio, TX, June 1999
Oklahoma City, June-2001
San Diego, CA, June-2003
Rockdale, TX, June-2005
Oklahoma City, June 2007
Houston, Texas, ?? 2009

Start making your plans now. We always have a fabulous time!


All Contents are Copyrighted. Many Thanks to everyone who contributed with information and family photographs.

© T.J. Johnson/tjjohnson, Jan '99; Updated Aug '01; Updated June/July '04; Feb '06;
July '07; June '08