This Web Site is Dedicated to all Who Came Before Us.

Lena and George Mischler's Wedding Picture

Lena and George Mischler

These are my grandparents. George immigrated to the United States from Hoerdt, Bas-Rhin, France in 1893. Lena Aschnewitz Mischler immigrated from Riga, Lativa in 1892.

I am in the process of constructing this site. I hope to add more information in the near future. If you should have any connections to these surnames, I would be happy to hear from you.

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Links to My Family Tree

Surname Index Page

Surname List

Aschnewitz Dengler Gill Kelly
Kutz Mischler/Meschler Rachford/Ratchford Williams


Kelly Family

Rachford Family

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email quill Email me at kat_online204@msn.com


It is time to up date your family tree.


Site created by Kathleen A. Dengler
Last Modified: 08/18/2007