Vitora Beach

Due to lack of time, this agency has changed to click-and-take!

"I'm Tori, and this is Sam. These are our Corsénian Fire Lizards. Miracle's parents are Orange Pallúdjoulskae and Orange Kírhateyle, and she has the power over love, a prominent force here. Her mate is a blue named Yúrri. His bondmate in my friend Bronzerider T'syma, and he's our little orange's brother. Radiance is the son of Blue Zírcarnael and Red Féyrnae. He sometimes becomes invisible, and is an excellent spy, so don't do anything here you wouldn't want him to report to us!

We manage this place for the dragons. If you have a moment, could you take some time to fill out our poll. It only takes a few seconds. You're probably a little curious about the Vitora species. Well, we found four adult dragons on a beach near the caves. As far as we know, they were the last in existance. They are silver Tollna, gold Palquib, red Cyrna, and blue Raliab, but you'd probably learn more from this book." Tori hands you a book. "Even if you've impressed from elsewhere or even here before, I recommend you read everything. Vitora dragons are a little different and the book is constantly updated."

What do you read?

Vitora Info

The Original Four





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Vitora Creatures(Downloadable!)

Fire Lizards

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Veda the alicorn protects the dragons. She came from the Color-Your-Own section of The Shadows Adoption Centre.


The background and buttons of Vitora Dragon Impressions came from Moyra's Web Jewels. Click the button below to get some gorgeous graphics of your own. Palquib gives them her highest ratings.

Moyra's Web Jewels

The DACC helps prevent dragon theft and has a message board to announce new clutches.
Dragon Adoption Center Club

This DACW site is owned by Tori & Sam.
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Vitora Dragons proudly support the Save the Dragons Campaign.
Save the Dragons Campaign

This The 'Adopt a Dragon' Webring site owned by Tori & Sam.

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Vitora Dragons are copyright of Tori 1999

Special thanks to:
All the dragon adoption centers that inspired my dragons.
Quest for the idea of the adults changing based on care.
Skysong for helping inspire last names with her Sharian Dragonets.
Kim for providing me with the idea of how to set up my fire lizard adoptions.
Labrynth and Myrror for inspiring the hunt-style adoption for the vitwiles.
And all the great people who've adopted dragons and encouraged me.

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