houdy, your site looks nice
keep up the nice work.
omesweethome |
sandra marks - 10/23/00 17:01:18
My Email:harpomarx@hotmail.com
city: carbondale
State: il 62901
Country: usa
i lke your website aLOT .
Ruthi - 10/20/00 15:07:40
My URL:http://abitosunshine.homestead.com/abitosunshine.html
My Email:ruthi2u@aol.com
city: Columbus
State: Ohio
Country: USA
Thoroughly enjoyed getting "lost" in here! Will visit often! God Bless.
Rev.Michael Sheppard - 10/13/00 22:03:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/revmds/
My Email:ministry@sheppard75.freeserve.co.uk
city: Frome
State: Somerset
Country: England
What would you like to see more of: Sites like Betty's
Thank you Betty. If my site gets close to the beauty of yours I shall be very pleased. When I view your site, no matter what page I am on, I know that I am viewing it with Jesus. Keep up your good work.......you are needed. With Love and Blessings, Michae
Lawerence Leow - 10/07/00 01:37:27
My URL:http://home2.pacific.net.sg/~weekang/`
My Email:lawrence_leow@bigfoot.com
city: Whampoa
Country: Singapore
A nice homepagve
Mags aka SpiritFire - 07/20/00 20:14:44
My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/ca4/SpiritFire
My Email:magsgarden@hotmail.com
city: Redding
State: CA
Country: USA
What would you like to see more of: pretty graghics
I enjoyed being here at your site.. :)

Pamela - 07/12/00 20:22:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/iam777renewed
My Email:lovinJesus@christianemail.com
city: Hudson
State: N.C.
Country: U.S.
You have a really wonderful site here. I really enjoyed my visit.
Jan - 05/24/00 16:45:30
My Email:SUNSHINE040654@aol.com
city: Long Beach
State: Ms.
Country: USA
I am so very impressed with your site. This is something we need so desperatly. Your mission to spread the word of our Lord
and Savior, is heartwarming. So many are hurting spiritually and emotionally in our world.I do as much as I can,online and off,
to ive people hope. It is wonderful to know of people like you. Diana is a very dear friend of mine, thank you for helping her do
the site for her Dad. May God bless you richly, and keep you safe in His everloving arms. I may visit one of your rooms
sometime Best of luck, Jan
Barbara - 05/15/00 05:51:01
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/barbara108/TOTHEAMERICANWORKER
My Email:barbara108@webtv.net
city: Spartanburg
State: SC
Country: USA
What would you like to see more of: God
What a great site. We need more site's like yours. Thank you for letting me visit. God Bless. will be back i have bookmarked
Teri - 05/11/00 23:51:45
My URL:http://light_of_love.homestead.com/index.html
My Email:daddys_lil_annie@hotmail.com
State: Virginia
Country: USA
Your site is wonderful. I am not even sure how I got to it. I just started my own site about 2 months ago & if you could, I noticed you were part of quite a few webrings & I was wondering if you could tell me how do I link them. The e-mail they sent to m
is very confusing & I hope you can help. Thanks a bunch.
Joseph NA Hyung-kyu - 05/06/00 02:45:25
My Email:nahksdb@hotmail.com
city: Seoul
Country: South Korea
Due to your Website, I found the painting "praying hands" and its wonderful explanation.
Thanks for your help!
Angelbread - 04/16/00 12:42:09
My URL:http://angelbread.homepage.com
Country: South Africa
What a beautiful site! Thank you for surfing onto mine, I am pleased to meet you ;-)
Love, Angelbread.
Joe Gritton - 03/27/00 13:49:27
city: Westfield
State: IN
Country: USA
Jan - 03/25/00 02:15:45
My Email:SUNSHINE040654@aol.com
city: Long Beach
State: Ms.
I am so very impressed with your site. This is something we need so desperatly. Your mission to spread the word of our Lord and Savior, is heartwarming. So many are hurting spiritually and emotionally in our world.I do as much as I can,online and off, to
ive people hope. It is wonderful to know of people like you. Diana is a very dear friend of mine, thank you for helping her do the site for her Dad. May God bless you richly, and keep you safe in His everloving arms. I may visit one of your rooms sometime
Best of luck, Jan
Lynn Da (RAOK) - 03/25/00 00:03:08
My Email:Dacowmama@aol.com
city: Balto.
State: Md.
Hi Betty....you sure do have a beautiful site here and it is a blessing to all. Keep up the wonderful work.
Jane A. Pierpont - 03/24/00 23:58:14
My URL:http://www,geocities.com/janeshp_2000
My Email:janeshp@dmci.net
city: Jonesville
State: MI
I enjoy your site and will brouse some more I'm sure..
Praise God for your testimony....
Tom Moore - 03/13/00 14:15:47
My Email:turkeyman@ridethe.net
city: chanute
State: ks
Country: usa
Pastor Shaun Aisbitt - 02/29/00 14:07:22
My URL:http://www.geocities/Athens/Parthenon/6528
My Email:aisbitt@hotmail.com
city: Bray
State: Wicklow
Country: Ireland
What would you like to see more of: People being saved
Loved your site, you want the award, you got it! it's on it's way this evening.
Keep spreading the Great News, & pray for those trapped in cults to be freed.
Mary Nail - 02/22/00 00:40:44
Nice! Enjoyed your site.
Debby - 02/18/00 06:58:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/debbysdigest/index.html
My Email:DMJJ2000@aol.com
city: Oregon
State: Oregon
Country: USA
What would you like to see more of: Praise reports
Your site is very beautifully done and the graphics are lovely. It's nice to know that people are standing by and willing to interecede for others in prayer. God bless your ministry here.
Ed Rishkofski - 02/17/00 02:59:59
My URL:http://www.edrish.com/index.html
My Email:edrish@visto.com
city: Marble
State: NC
Country: United States
What would you like to see more of: Your good work!
God Bless this site and all who visit!
What a Blessing!
Juliet - 02/16/00 21:15:53
My URL:http://ju1e2.friendpages.com/religious/ju1e2/
My Email:JULIET.LOUIS@prodigy.net
city: Chicago
State: IL
Country: USA
Enjoyed My visit,You are invited to visit my pages.Spending Time With God./My World./My Webring Page.
Big Unicorn - 02/15/00 03:42:59
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/KarmaWay/big_unicorn_45/MySecretValentine.html
My Email:havefaith@ilovejesus.com
city: Toronto
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
My Serect Valentine Page...I enjoyed my visit very much
pastors/chaplains Ron and Teresa Abert - 02/11/00 21:32:56
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~HouseOfPraise/index.html
My Email:rtabert@juno.com
city: Greenville,
State: IL
Country: USA
What would you like to see more of: OTHER MINISTRY LINKS
God bless you - do stay in touch - we love you and we are praying for you and your family
if you are ever in the area here of Greenville,IL
do come and see us here -
love and prayers
pastors/chaplains Ron and Teresa Abert
please do sign our guest book -we love you
stay in touch
Janice Kincaid - 02/11/00 09:46:15
My URL:http://rainmistart.bizland.com
My Email:Jadonk@aol.com
city: Cade
State: La
Country: USA
Hi, I really love you site. It is just beautiful.
Thank You for sharing.
Your Friend in Christ,

A RAOK Friend - 02/05/00 08:28:22
Resa - 02/03/00 04:51:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/8395
My Email:Resalee@home.com
State: TN
Country: USA
you have a really nice site... i really like the garden its cute :)
Char EiLand - 02/01/00 14:19:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/4236/index.html
My Email:ceiland@preferred.com
city: Chuckey
State: Tn
Country: USA
I am returning your visit to my site and your pages are lovely and you are a very talented lady in your own right. Your love of our Lord Shows through on every page. Keep up the good work that you do for Him and the Kingdom God bless you and your site and
may you touch many for Him
Jeff - 01/20/00 17:52:22
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/FloydtheFrog/FloydtheFrogsLilyPad/
My Email:floydthefrog@webtv.net
State: PA
Country: USA
I enjoyed your page...God Bless! :-)
Dani - 01/19/00 09:03:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/Flutter/index.html
My Email:Flutter@surferie.net
city: Erie
State: Pa
Country: USA
You have a beautiful site!! I have just submitted my app into your webring and am looking forward to spreading His word with you and your "angels". I am so glad to see sites like yours that are praising the name of Jesus and the many blessings He has giv
n to each and everyone of His children! God Bless You and your work!!
Your friend in Christ,
Barbara - 11/26/99 17:46:24
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/barbara108/TOTHEAMERICANWORKER
My Email:barbara108@webtv.net
city: Spartanburg.
State: S C
Country: U S A
What would you like to see more of: GOD
What a great site.
We need more site's like yours.
Thank you for letting me visit.
God Bless.
will be back i have bookmarked you.
Rodger Moore - 11/22/99 00:12:52
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~narrowgate/bible/biframe2.htm
My Email:rbmoore@hotmail.com
city: Richmond
State: B.C.
Country: Canada
What would you like to see more of: People comming to know Jesus
You have a real nice site here and you have done a lot of work. Please come visit our Narrowgate Online Bible site. If you want you can link your site to it so your users will have access to the Bible (KJV ans ASV).
- 11/17/99 21:18:28
Webmaster - 11/03/99 07:47:18
My URL:http://metropolis.vstoremall.com
city: Miami
State: Florida
Country: USA
Hi CyberBuddy Betty! Very nice website, lot of nice stuff inside. Please be free to visit my website!!! :-O)
Marianne Hanna - 10/27/99 09:34:11
My Email:hanna_maro@hotmail.com
city: Alexandria
Country: EGYPT
I like this page!
I'm lebanese but I'm living in Alex.and I'm 17.
’ÔÞåÔììË ÃÔììÔ - 10/27/99 08:35:15
city: öãËÁÔìíÞåÔ
Country: õáÛÍÝ
Hans Erich Myors - 10/26/99 00:29:05
My URL:/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
city: Americus
State: Georgia
Country: USA
Baruch Hashem. Shalom from a fellow believer in Y'shua at Geocities.

Linggom Manurung - 10/24/99 21:38:26
My Email:linggomm@hotmail.com
city: Bandung
State: Jawa Barat
Country: Indonesia
very good
hope....God Bless Us...
Hans Erich Myors - 10/10/99 19:01:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
city: Americus
State: Georgia
Country: USA
Shalom from a fellow believer in Y'shua at Geocities and a fellow member of the Christian Web Ring.

stone - 10/08/99 08:27:48
My URL:http://www.freespeech.org/badai
city: pj
State: sl
Country: malaysia
good work :)
betty - 10/02/99 05:41:41
What would you like to see more of: a guest book that works
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