Hi- Thank you for stopping by to visit my homepage. My name is Mary Jane. Come and sit down with me under this tree and let us get to know one another. Let us pretend that we are sitting by a lake and a nice breeze is blowing. First, I will tell you a little about myself. First, and most important, I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I want this page and every page to glorify Jesus.
My main reason for having this web page is to encourage you in your faith so that the Lord may help all of us to become more like Jesus every day--more of Jesus, less of us. It is the desire of my heart that all come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. If you need Jesus and want to know more about Him, click here.
If you make a decision for Jesus, please email me. Now you are my sister or brother in the Lord. Also, if you have a need and want prayer, please email me.
Now back to getting to know one another. I was adopted and raised in a Christian family. I was blessed with a great mother and father. I was an only child. At times I missed having a sister or brother and was lonely, but as I grew in the Lord I knew that He was my friend. I could talk to Him. I was saved when I was in the fourth grade. I have always loved to read and study the Bible and memorize verses. My two favorites are Luke 1:37: "Nothing is impossible with God" and Phil: 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". These two verses have helped me all through my life. Growing in the Lord is a continuous process. You never arrive. There is always something to learn, some area of our lives that we need to work. I have been married for thirty-four years. We have had marriage problems and have worked through them with the help of the Lord and counselors. Because of these problems, I went back to school and took some counseling courses. So I can pray for you if you have problems in this area. Marriage is a continuous working relationship. We have three grown sons, two lovely daughter-in-laws, and one sweet girlfriend to one son, and four granddaughters and one grandson.
I believe that prayer changes things. I have always wanted to serve the Lord. It always has been in the area of prayer that he has used me the most. I have a tape ministry. I belong to Annie's Email Encouragers ( use link at bottom to get to this). This is a group of people that pray for prayer requests sent and respond to pray by email. I am the Card Helper in this ministry. I send cards to people who have birthdays and anniversaries. I, also, have a card ministry of my own. If you would like to have a card sent to you on your birthday or anniversary, please email me. I have several people who are alone or homebound that I not only send these but we send email back and forth to visit. So if you would like to have someone to talk to, please email me and I will get back to you. I will pray for you and any needs that you might have. I have a prayer meeting at my home one day a week. So we can pray for your needs. I, also, love to praise and worship the Lord. The Lord has been teaching me to use praise as spiritual warfare. I will share this at another time. I plan to have a page teaching prayer and another on teaching praise.
On the following pages you will see my interests are cats, Precious Moments, Greeting Card Links, reading and crafts. I used to do cross stitch, embroidery, stamps, and ceramics. We owned a ceramic shop for several years. Everything we do, we need to do as unto the Lord. I have to say that I have not and still do not always do that. I have to keep remembering that. We need to walk in the Spirit and not in the world. Yes, we do things in the world, but we do them as Jesus would have us do them. It is not easy.
Below you will find a list of the rest of my pages with my interests and teachings. Now, tell me something about yourself? Do you know Jesus? If you do, have you made Him Lord of your life? Is He first in your life? What are your interests? I would be interested in hearing from you. Please sign my guestbook or email me to tell me about you.
Again, if you have a need and want prayer, please email me. If you would like to be on my mailing list for cards for your birthday or anniversary, email me and tell me your dates. IF you would like to be on my contact list because you need someone to either email you with just a good morning how are you, or you would like to be on my list for receiving a scripture every day, or you just want someone to contact to talk to, please email me and I will get back to you. God Bless You.
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