Welcome to the homepage of Cub Scout Pack #274, Macomb District, Clinton Valley Council.
Congratulations to all of our scouts who will be advancing. You all have worked hard and earned a well-deserved applause. Give yourself a pat on the back!
I promise to do my best
To do my duty
To God and my country
To help others
And to obey the Law of the Pack
We are still doing our M&Ms fund raiser. We have sold a lot, but we still need to try and sell more for our camp in July. Don't forget to ask family and friends to help out. I'm sure they will be happy to help since it is for Cub Scouts.
We will be racing our Pinewood Derby cars in just a few days! I'm sure all of the cub scouts can't wait! This will be our last Pack meeting for this school year. We hope everyone can attend.
Some of our cubs have earned their Progress Towards Ranks badges. We gave them out at our last Den meeting. Keep up the good work!
Our meetings are over for this school year, but we still have some things planned for the summer. We will try and post them in the calendar, and also will be contacting all the scouts when new things are planned. Have a great summer and continue to work on your achievements. Summer is a great time for scouting.