Women who have experienced physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual or sexual abuse at any point in their life would benefit from this group.
The group has two sessions a year; the first session begins the last week of February and continues through May. The second session begins the last week of August and continues through November.
Participants pay for their own books and a $50 facilitator's fee.
The purpose of the group is to help participants acknowledge what has happened in the past, to learn new skills necessary to live and have satisfying relationships, and to accept responsibility for making changes in their lives. The benefit will be growth and healing by learning to set both internal and external boundaries.
The teaching of the group is Biblically based, and chosen to ensure the growth of each group. The group is structured around a book, followed by discussion and prayer. Activities are added by our gifted facilitators. Examples of books used in previous groups: Pain & Pretending by Bushler; Breaking Free by Pia Melody; Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend.
The focus is on inner healing either through the teaching in small prayer groups.
The support for the group includes a confidential prayer group which prays for the participants and facilitators by name. Appointments may be made with a priest for the confessional steps of the healing process.
You will need to set up an initial interview, where the program will be explained, and necessary paperwork filled out. Please call the church at (904) 778-1434 for more information.
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